Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thousands Of Christians Enlist Into Major Christian Militia To Fight War Against ISIS To Protect Their Faith

Thousands of Christians have enlisted in a new major Christian militia called “The Nineveh Plains Brigade”, and they will be sending their first platoon of troops which will consist of 500 warriors

According to a report:

Following ISIL’s advance in northern Iraq and its capture of Mosul as well as persecution of Iraqi minorities by the notorious group, the minorities felt they have no choice but to defend themselves.

After five months of displacement, Iraq’s Christians are now saying that they want to fight back and retake their land. The chairman of Supreme Izadi Council, Hadi Baba Sheikh and Iraqi Turkmen Front had previously called for arming and training minorities. 500 volunteers will be the first batch of Christians to be trained by the Kurdish Peshmerga. They will be included in what is being referred to as “The Nineveh Plains Brigade”.

This as, top Christian officials in Erbil tell Press TV that thousands have signed up for future batches as well. In recent months, ISIL has overrun Christian-populated regions in northern Iraq, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee. Though Iraq’s Christians have time and again called for international pressure against the extremist Takfiris and dry out their resources, their calls are yet to be heard. Once again persecuted Iraqi Christians have slammed shut the doors of immigration opened for them by Western countries as a way out of their ordeal. After the strategic victories scored by the Iraqi army backed by popular committees – in regions such as Amerli, Jurf Al-Sakher, Baiji and others; Christians hope the same strategy will work in recapturing their hometowns as well.

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