Wednesday, November 26, 2014


The CIA controlled ISIS is everywhere. This picture was taken during the first set of Ferguson riots in August.  This strongly suggests hatt ISIS is a CIA PSYOPS designed to promote violence and ultimately civil war. Helter Skelter Reborn!
The CIA controlled ISIS is everywhere. This picture was taken during the Ferguson riots in August. This strongly suggests that ISIS is a CIA PSYOPS designed to promote violence and ultimately a civil war. Helter Skelter Reborn!

Before discounting the following communication from John Moore, please note the above picture and the caption.  Unless one is  a die-hard coincidence theorist,  it is very difficult to discount the connection between the ISIS sign and what is happening in Ferguson with what John Moore is saying in the following paragraphs. Please note the fact that was a photo that I displayed on The Common Sense Show last summer. Please note the “Isis” tweets below.

isis tweet
isis islam

The above tweets were from 3 months ago. How far has this progressed? Tomorrow, I am connecting well-known terrorist groups to what is happening in Ferguson and this is being done under the watchful eye of the Department of Justice and friends.
Not alarmed yet? Read the following account from John Moore and the sources he’s citing.

Dateline: St. Louis, MO.
From:  John Moore

“It was less than an hour after St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney completed his statement on the results of the Grand Jury inquiry that the violence commenced.

For the duration of this civil unrest in my hometown of Metro-St.Louis, I will focus primarily on this to the exclusion of my regular programming.
I have three friends involved in the matter in Ferguson reporting in private and on-air. They are Command Sergeant Major Dan Page (USA retired), Mr. Sam Andrews coordinator of the Oath Keepers in this matter and a friend of 25 + years we are calling “American Patriot”. My interviews this AM with Dan Page and American Patriot are  archived at my web site. My plan is to get daily updates from these men every day until this matter is resolved.
Be advised: Dan Page states he has intelligence that we have direct involvement of ISIS (Islamic State In Iraq) and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) on the ground in Ferguson/St.Louis. Further be advised: my reporters and myself are convinced the protesters want out-of-control chaos up to and including fatalities on both sides.
Local AM talk radio is bursting with callers wondering why there was no police/National Guard presence to protect what was clearly the most vulnerable targets of the rioters, namely the businesses in Ferguson and St. Louis that were well-known to be flash points for violence.
The consensus of the men on the ground is that tonight’s violence (11/25/14) will be far worse than last night. It’s more than a bit surprising that there were no known fatalities last night, given the fact that there was gunfire in Ferguson, including automatic weapons fire.
I’m on-duty providing security at my mother-in-laws home less than a mile from one of the designated targets the “Galleria” shopping center.

The mood and demeanor of our community is being made far worse by the public statements of leaders in the Black community who are attacking the credibility of the prosecutor and the entire process of the Grand Jury as being invalid, unjust and unfair.
John Moore
Credit to Common Sense

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