Monday, November 24, 2014

China's JL-2 missile can reach US mainland

China's JL-2 second-generation intercontinental-range submarine-launched ballistic missile, which has the ability to reach the continental USA, is already believed to be deployable by the People's Liberation Army, reports Huanqiu, the Chinese-language website of the nationalistic Global Times tabloid.

The Julang-2 — literally "Giant Wave 2" — has reached a preliminary level of proficiency, according to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission in its report to US Congress on Nov. 20.

The report, which criticizes China's "unsafe, unprofessional and aggressive" behavior and the intimidation of its neighbors in the Asia-Pacific over the past year, also claims that the new nuclear submarine capable of carrying the JL-2 is planning its maiden voyage before the end of the year.

"The JL-2, when mated with the PLA Navy's JIN-class (SSBN), will give China its first credible sea-based nuclear deterrent," the report said.

China is also testing supersonic guided missiles that, if successful, could render America's missile defense system outdated, the report added.

The report estimates that China could have as many as 351 submarines and missile-equipped surface ships in the Asia-Pacific by 2020, while the US Navy plans to only have 67 submarines and surface ships stationed or deployed to the region.

The potential for "security miscalculation" in the Asia-Pacific is rising as China increases its military spending by double-digit percentages every year while the balance of power drifts away from the US and its allies, the report said.

Credit to China Times

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