Thursday, September 18, 2014

Pope to head of WJC: You have suffered, now it's our turn

"You have suffered, now it's our turn," said Francis Pope to the President of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), Ronald Lauder, in a reference to the persecution of Christians in Iraq, Lauder told Italian press on Thursday.

"First, there are the Jews who suffered savage attacks committed against them (by the Nazis, ed), and the world remained silent," recalled Lauder, who was received Wednesday by the pope at the Vatican.

"Today, it is the Christians who are devastated and reactions are few: Why does no one react?" he asked, condemning, as the Pope, attacks against Christians in the Middle East.

Referring once again to the idea that the world is engaged in a "third world war" because of religious extremism, the Pope affirmed that Jews and Christians should pray together for peace, Lauder saod.

Credit to Ynet

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