Saturday, September 13, 2014

Oklahoma 'Black Mass' Event.. Sold Out

The Satanist group that will stage a controversial "black mass" at an Oklahoma City civic center has said that all 88 tickets for its Sept. 21 event are sold out. The co-founder of the group revealed that the ritual will go ahead despite strong Christian protests and will feature a satanic exorcism, but will be "toned down" to comply with state health laws.

He added that the group will comply with state health laws and substitute vinegar for actions involving urine as part of the satanic ceremony.

Daniels said that the ceremony will also feature Dakhma of Angra Mainyu deacons and priest who will stomp, spit on and use explicit language on an unconsecrated host, a wafer presented as a form of the resurrected Jesus Christ.

A satanic exorcism intended to draw the Holy Spirit from a follower's body will wrap up the event, an inversion of Roman Catholic exorcism believed to expel the devil from a person.

"Our practices have gotten it to about 22 to 25 minutes," the co-founder said of the length of the ritual.

Credit to Crhistian Post

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