Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What Do Muslims Plan To Do To Christians? “Beheadings, Amputations, Gunshots And Crucifixions.”

What Do Muslims Plan To Do To Christians? “Beheadings, amputations, gunshots and crucifixions.” That iswhat one analyst has elucidated recently, writing a very revealing statement describing what ISIS is doing to the Christians in Iraq:
If you flee, you leave your home, your possessions, your community and your culture. What little you carry is soon stripped and looted from greedy militia men. You leave with your lives and the clothes on your back. But what if you can’t or don’t leave? What awaits you? Beheadings, amputations, gunshots and crucifixions. Unbending Sharia law including women and girls forced to undergo compulsory genital mutilation and to don the most conservative of clothing. You know these are bad people when even Ayman al Zawahari, al Qaeda’s de facto leader, disavows them finding them too difficult too control.
The Auxiliary Bishop of Baghdad Shlemon Warduni when interviewed by Vatican radio, said:
We have to ask the world: Why are you silent? Why do not you speak out? Do human rights exist or not? And if they exist, where are they? There are many, many cases that should arouse the conscience of the whole world: Where is Europe? Where is America?
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops wrote a letter to the National Security Advisor Susan Rice, saying:
Last Sunday, Pope Francis asked for prayers ‘for the dear Iraqi nation, especially for the victims and for those who most suffer the consequences of the growing violence, in particular the many persons, among whom are so many Christians, who have had to leave their homes.’ The urgent situation in Iraq demands both our prayers and action. U.S. humanitarian assistance for the victims of the conflict is critical. In addition, our nation must take diplomatic measures. Our nation bears a special responsibility toward the people of Iraq.
Also, a recently produced video shows the despair of Christians who have fled Mosul and now live in Kurdistan:
Sadly, the Kurds too will eventually turn against the Christians, for that is what the Kurds did during the Arminian genocide. The Kurds helped the Turks butcher the Arminians, and there is a very disturbing account of how these two Muslim peoples sadistically butchered several Christians:
A man in Erzeroum, hearing a tumult and fearing for his children, who were playing in the street, went out to seek and save them. He was borne down upon by the mob. He pleaded for his life, protesting that he had always lived in peace with his Moslem neighbors, and sincerely loved them. The statement may have represented a fact, or it may have been but a plea for pity. The ringleader, however, told him that that was the proper spirit, and would be condignly rewarded. The man was then stripped, and a chunk of his flesh cut out of his body and jestingly offered for sale: ‘Good fresh meat, and dirt cheap,’ exclaimed some of the crowd. ‘Who’ll buy fine dog’s meat?’ echoed the amused bystanders.
The writhing wretch uttered piercing screams as some of the mob, who had just come from rifling the shops, opened a bottle and poured vinegar or some acid into the gaping wound. He called on God and man to end his agonies. But they had only begun. Soon afterwards two little boy came up, the elder crying, ‘Hairik, Hairik (Father, father), save me! See what they’ve done to me!’ and pointed to his head, from which the blood was streaming over his handsome face and down his neck. The younger brother­­a child of about three­­was playing with a wooden toy.
The agonizing man was silent for a second and then, glancing at these his children, made a frantic but vain effort to snatch a dagger from a Turk by his side. This was the signal for the renewal of his torments. The bleeding boy was finally dashed with violence against the dying father, who began to lose strength and consciousness, and the two were then pounded to death where they lay. The younger child sat near, dabbling his wooden toy in the blood of his father and brother, and looking up, now through smiles at the prettily dressed Kurds and now through tears at the dust­ begrimed thing that had lately been his father. A slash of a sabre wound up his short experience of God’s world, and the crowd turned its attention to others. (Quoted by Sir Robert Anderson, in his book, The Silence of Heaven, ch. 1)
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