Saturday, August 9, 2014

IRS To Monitor Pastors' Speech for Discrimination!

The IRS has agreed to pay closer attention to what is said in houses of worship after reaching a settlement with a secularist group in federal court last week," reports LifeSiteNews

The IRS is in the news again, this time capitulating to the Atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation that sued the IRS to get them to further monitor church activities, particularly anything they deem to be political.

"The IRS has now resolved the signature authority issue necessary to initiate church examinations..."
-Atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation

Up to this point, the IRS has ignored monitoring churches and the speech of pastors, even though groups like Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) have tried to challenge the unconstitutionality of the 501(c)(3) with their Pulpit Freedom Sunday initiative.

Ready for Persecution?

Pastors are you ready for the IRS to come into your church and monitor your sermons or your church's activity? Are you ready for increased persecution from our government? Or will you just follow the unrighteous, un-godly and unconstitutional regulations of the IRS? I pray that you will choose to still preach the full counsel of the Word of God no matter what the consequences.

We must obey God before man!

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