Friday, August 29, 2014

GRAPHIC: ISIS terrorists film mass execution of 250 Syrian soldiers

ISIS fighters released footage of a mass execution Thursday.The men were show lying in the desert sand.


Merciless Islamic State of Iraq and Syria terrorists savagely executed 250 captured Syrian soldiers, new video shows.

Before they were killed, the jihadists forced the men to strip down to nothing but their underwear and paraded them through Syria's desert — apparently a march to their graves.

The video, posted to an ISIS YouTube account Thursday, and its executions were confirmed by a fighter for the group.

In the video, the men walk single file with their hands behind their heads. An ISIS fighter repeatedly shouts out "Islamic State." The men reply, "It shall remain."

The footage fades to black before showing a pile of bodies lying face-down in the sand.

An ISIS terrorist told Reutersthat 250 men were executed after the march. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors violence in the war, put the death toll at more than 120.

ISIS stormed Tabqa airbase on Sunday. The vicious terrorist group claimed to have captured soldiers during the raid, but it's unclear if the men in the video are from the same base.

Credit to NYdailynews

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