Thursday, July 24, 2014


For all the Baby Boomers out in media land, could there be a jingle more annoying than Wendy’s, octogenarian with her nails-scratching-on-the-chalkboard, “WHERE’S THE BEEF?” Well, lately if you have been anywhere near a street corner in a major city or close to an electronic device that emits sounds, then undoubtedly you have heard the battle jingle of the “Arab Street” along with their pseudo-

Marxist trust fund baby comrades, together spewing, “From-the-River-to-the-Sea, Palestine-will-be-Free.” Though this little ditty has a melodic tone and maybe a good hip-hop rapper can make it jump, the curious among you may want to ask, “Hey, what does that river-to-the-sea business actually mean?”

That question can be answered quite eloquently by way of a detailed historical analysis going back to the Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Al-Banna where in his writings, he desires to mobilize Muslims to recapture of glorious supremacy of the “Arabian Nights” crushing the infidel and raising a scimitar in victorious praise of Allah the majestic! Or our little Arab Street jingle can be fully understood by just adding one word – JEW. You see, Al-Banna realized that the only way Palestine could be free was if that freedom went from the river, the Jordan River on the eastern border of Israel to the sea, the Mediterranean Sea, on the western border of Israel. Again it is at this point that the mildly curious asks, “Free from what?” What must Israel be free of that is so important to the Founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920’s and to the Armani Jihadis on the street corners today? What freedom do these followers of the Religion of Peace want when they all chant in unison, “From-the-River-to-the-Sea, Palestine-will-be-Free” becoming increasingly louder and more violent at the mere appearance of a Star of David on a child’s yarmulke? For the answer to this perplexing question let’s look at that one word again – JEW. If you take that word – JEW - and place it in our cute Arab rhyme then the code is broken, the puzzle solved and genocide is served on a historic platter. Here, take a look at this revised version and you will have eyes that see the obliteration of Israel and the Jew.: “From-the-River-to-the-Sea, Palestine-will-be-JEW-Free.”

Ask the true followers of Mohamed and they will tell you, “yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe is some other lifetime Israel was the homeland of the Jews but since the conquest of Mohamedism in the Holy Land, that formerly Jewish real estate has now become Waqf, the Arabic concept of “sacred space.” Or to state it a bit more colloquially, “From-the-River-to-the-Sea, Palestine-will-be-JEW-Free.”

As Israel is in a battle for its very existence watch our special presentation and understand that the HAMAS members on the street corner in Miami are the same exact people that the IDF are fighting in the tunnels of Gaza.

Credit to Breitbart

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