Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Tuesday, 27 May 2014: When I decided to run for delegate in the 99th District of Virginia, my mission was to change the debate from the mundane and inconsequential of local politics to focus on the alarming erosion of our Constitution and the Rule of Law, while working toward resurrecting the 10th Amendment. I knew whoever controls the dialog controls the debate, and few, if any, were addressing these issues at that time. Little did I know that my entire platform of Constitutional liberty and re-infusing religious expression in the public square in 2009 would make me Public Enemy #1.

The FULL COURT PRESS that followed was astounding. No one could have prepared me for the entire Republican Slate conspiring to publicly denounce me. Denounce me for what? Promoting liberty? The Rule of Law? Quoting the Founding Fathers? Yep.

Had I not personally experienced such bizarre attacks from the party I spent my life supporting I would find the demonization of our military, in particular, “returning Vets”, impossible to conceive of. The list of patently offensive remarks and publications denouncing our veterans are well documented, but most egregiously are those published by the Department of Homeland Security, aka, Obama’s SS.

In concert with the attacks on the character of our military is the propaganda warfare within the military against us.

Incredibly, an Army Training Manuel publication in 2013 identified “Evangelical Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and Jews as ‘domestic terrorists’. They were listed with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, (which has been invited/allowed to completely infiltrate the White House and Pentagon…), and the KKK!

So while we are being propagandized to distrust our military, they are being propagandized to distrust us. The natural partnership and respect between us is being eroded. I contend that such a bond must be weakened, if not broken, for the militarization of our domestic police to rule the day when the final hammer comes down.

Is it any wonder that those who have demonstrated the most consistent patriotic fervor, willing to seal their commitment in their own life’s blood, are under attack by this administration? The Veteran’s Administration “Wait Lists” to delay/prevent veteran care is not an oversight, not an omission, it is deliberate in its wicked intent to kill off those who pose the greatest threat to prevent the over throw of America from within.

The 2012 NDAA, (National Defense Authorization Act), unconstitutionally authorized the arrest, detention, ‘rendition’ (torture), of American citizens ANYWHERE, ANY PLACE, ANY TIME WITHOUT DUE PROCESS, IF said American is SUSPECTED of associating with‘terrorists’.

In the NDAA 2013, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and Foreign Relations Authorization Act in 1987 that banned domestic propaganda was unconstitutionally ‘legalized’. Will the militarized domestic agencies, which are now legion, be implemented to round up demonized patriots while our military ‘stands down’ because they have beenpropagandized to view us as the enemy?


Yesterday, Memorial Day, I cornered the Key Note Speaker of our Memorial event, an extremely distinguished Active Military Officer. I asked him if he was concerned about the demonization of the military. Without hesitation, his wife nodding vigorously over his shoulder, he affirmed he was deeply concerned and offended. He declared that one could only imagine where all of this was leading.

As a “Conspiracy Theorist”, (Those who question known liars…), I am convinced this is designed to cause the majority of freedom loving, God-fearing Americans, those of us who should be natural allies, to be suspicious of one another.

This propaganda conspiracy is meant to create a circular firing squad.

Credit to Catherine Crabill / Hagmann and Hagmann Report

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