Monday, April 21, 2014

Ukraine’s Jewish residents look for a refuge in Israel

Concerns have been raised after a leaflet reminiscent of Nazi Germany was distributed in Donetsk demanding that Jews over 16 should register with the ­authorities.

It has since been branded a fake by the pro-Moscow separatists it claims to represent – but with tens of thousands of Russian troops on Ukraine’s border, many are increasingly worried about their safety.

Alexander Ivanchenko, who runs Sohnut, a group which assists with ­emigration to Israel, said: “It is hard to talk about numbers but I see that there are more people who come asking how to apply for repatriation.

“I cannot say for sure that they will make a decision to leave, but I do see a rise in the level of interest. People call the Israeli embassy in Kiev. They start gathering the documents.”

Armed masked men handed out ­fliers to people leaving a Passover service at a Donetsk synagogue last week, prompting general disgust.

Purporting to be from pro-Russian separatists, the leaflet had terrifying echoes of how Nazis targeted Jews in the 1930s.

Separatist leaders denounced them as fakes designed to provoke clashes by painting them as anti-Semitic.

Pinchas Vishedski, Donetsk’s chief rabbi, said he was now satisfied it was a “crude provocation”, but added: “I’m asking those behind this not to make us tools in this game.”

In recent months, however, Jewish people and synagogues have been the target of attacks, often blamed on far-right Ukrainian groups.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Ukrainian nationalists – who deposed pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovich in February – of anti-Semitism, though he has in turn been accused of disguising his troops as Ukrainian forces to provoke clashes and justify an invasion.

London charity World Jewish Relief has stepped up its work in Ukraine with vulnerable children, the elderly, women and the disabled as the economy teeters on the brink of collapse.

Chief executive Paul Anticoni, who recently visited eastern Ukraine, said the economic crisis and an increasing struggle to pay food and gas bills were the biggest fear for all Ukrainians, including Jewish residents.

But there were fears anti-semitic elements had been emboldened by the unrest and the political and security vacuum. Until last week’s leaflet incident, he said, the revolution had not led to a surge in anti-semitism.

Incidents like graffiti or firebombing of synagogues were “isolated” and seen as the work of “hooligans”.

They had always been present in Ukraine, said Mr Anticoni, but they were now taking advantage of the breakdown in law and order.

He said: “The Donetsk incident has changed some opinions. A rabbi told me he dismissed it as the work of a couple of chancers trying to rock the boat and stir up ethnic discontent. No one’s claimed responsibility.

“But it is a reflection that there are people in Ukraine who don’t like the Jews, or Poles or Moldovans. It’s a country where tolerance of ethnic minorities isn’t particularly good.

“Ukraine is going through upheaval and uncertainty and in worrying economic times people tend to take it out on those at the edges – particularly the Jewish community. But we are not hitting the panic button and saying ‘it’s time to leave’.”

Credit to Daily Express

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