Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ukraine Appeals to UN to Stop Russian Annexation of Crimea

Billboards in the center of Sevastopol in run-up to the referendum on the status of Crimea.

MOSCOW, March 13 (RIA Novosti) – Ukraine’s parliament has called on the United Nations to help resolve the crisis in Crimea as the region heads for a referendum on Sunday to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.

Ukrainian lawmakers adopted a resolution Thursday requesting an emergency special session of the UN Security Council in an appeal to the international community for what they say is a violation of international law by Moscow.

“We refer to the unprovoked act of aggression against Ukraine by Russia and its attempt to annex a part of the territory of a sovereign state,” said the resolution backed by 250 lawmakers, 24 over the required minimum of 226 votes.

Ukraine's parliament declared that under the principle of self-defense, acknowledged by the UN Charter, the country has a right to request help from other states or collective security organizations to restore its territorial integrity.

Any decision by the Security Council would be subject to approval by Russia, which, as an allied victor of World War II holds a permanent veto on the council.

The parliament of the majority Russian-speaking Crimea declared independence from Ukraine on Tuesday, adding in its statement that if the popular vote passes the country will become independent and will immediately request annexation by Moscow.

In Thursday’s resolution, Ukraine’s Supreme Rada said that despite attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully the situation in Crimea is deteriorating amid a flurry of activity by Russian military personnel operating in the country.

Troops lacking official insignia but carrying weapons and wearing uniforms used by the Russian military and understood to be under Russian command have taken control of military bases and key infrastructure on the peninsula in recent weeks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin denied the troops are Russian, calling them local militia.

Authorities in Kiev and international leaders have condemned the upcoming referendum in Crimea as illegitimate and lashed out at the Kremlin for violating international law in attempting to annex the region.

Putin said in a phone call with US President Barack Obama last week that Ukraine’s current government, brought to power by a revolution that ousted Yanukovych, was illegitimate.

The Russian leader said that “Russia cannot ignore [Crimea’s] appeals for help in this regard,” but that it would act in full compliance with international law.

Credit to RIA Novosti

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