Friday, March 7, 2014

Netanyahu: Iran's lies will be exposed when interdicted ship comes to Eilat

The Jews paid heavy price when the world powers did not take Hitler's words seriously, PM says in Los Angeles.

The world will see the Iranian leaders for the liars that they are when the captured ship Iran sent to the Gaza Strip with Syrian missiles arrives in Eilat in the coming days, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Thursday.

The prime minister’s comments came in response to remarks Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posted earlier in the day on his Twitter account.

“An Iranian ship carrying arms for Gaza. Captured just in time for annual AIPAC anti Iran campaign. Amazing Coincidence! Or same failed lies,” Zarif wrote.

“The government in Iran says that everything is lies,” Netanyahu said after visiting the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles. “In another few days, the ship will arrive in Eilat, and we will see who is the liar. We will reveal before the whole world the true face of Iran.”

Israel will expose the Iranians, struggle with them and defeat them, the prime minister said.

The IDF’s Wednesday interception of the missile-laden vessel came a day after Netanyahu’s speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington, in which he strongly condemned Tehran for standing on the “other side” of the world’s moral divide – the side “steeped in blood and savagery.”

“Did you ever hear about Iran sending a humanitarian delegation overseas? No?” Netanyahu said during his speech. “You know why? You know why you haven’t heard anything about that? Because the only thing that Iran sends abroad are rockets, terrorists and missiles to murder, maim and menace the innocent.”

Netanyahu, wrapping up his five-day visit to the US at the Museum of Tolerance, said that while there, he had seen the letter Hitler wrote calling for the destruction of the Jews.

“Iran today is calling for the destruction of Israel,” he said. “Then there were also those who did not want to believe. We take them seriously. When someone says they want to destroy the Jews, take them seriously, prepare, and warn the world,” he said.

Israel, he continued, will not let Iran arm itself with the capabilities to “destroy us.”

The Jews paid a heavy price in the last century when the world powers did not take Hitler’s words seriously, Netanyahu said. “The difference today is that we have the strength and the ability to defend ourselves.”


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