Friday, March 14, 2014

Government can order any family to violate religious beliefs

An administrative decision by officials in the Department of Homeland Security means members of a German homeschool family whose grant of asylum in the U.S. later was withdrawn will not be returned to face the persecution homeschoolers face in Germany.

But advocates for homeschooling are warning that the underlying precedent that was set by the court system in the case involving the Romeike family suggests that the government always knows best what education is appropriate for children – and that even requiring students to be in a school that violates their religious beliefs is no problem.

The warning comes only days after the Romeike victory from Michael Farris, founder of the Home School Legal Defense Association, which battled through the court system on behalf of the Romeikes.

They were facing massive punishment, including fines, jail time and loss of custody of their children, had they remained in Germany and continued homeschooling, the choice they made because of teaching standards in public schools there regarding homosexuality, abortion and other issues that violated the family’s Christian faith.

An appeals court complied with the Obama administration’s request to withdraw the asylum status they already had been granted, and the Supreme Court recently left the decision undisturbed.

Then, however, the DHS said it would put the family’s case on a deferred status, under which they would be able to remain in the United States indefinitely.

Credit to WND


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