Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Aborted babies incinerated in massive ovens to heat UK hospitals

UK hospitals have incinerated over 15,000 aborted babies to heat their buildings while telling mothers their aborted babies were "cremated," an investigative report has shockingly uncovered. The aborted babies were shoveled into "waste-to-energy" ovens that combust biomass to generate heat in the same way that heating oil or coal generates heat. This was all apparently done with the full knowledge of hospital administrators, government regulators and medical doctors.

"The bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated as clinical waste, with some even used to heat hospitals," reports The Telegraph. "At least 15,500 fetal remains were incinerated by 27 NHS trusts over the last two years alone, Channel 4's Dispatches discovered."

"Health officials in the U.K. face scrutiny after it came to light that state run hospitals have been incinerating fetuses along with their garbage," reports the International Business Times.

Stillbirths also incinerated in giant ovens to heat hospitals
It's not just aborted babies that are combusted to generate heat, either: there are over 4,000 stillbirths each year in the UK, and those babies are also incinerated in large ovens to generate heat for hospitals.

In addition to babies, these "waste-to-energy" programs also incinerate other tissues, organs and even limbs removed during surgery. Anything removed from a patient during surgery or an abortion becomes fair game tissue that surgeons can toss into the "incineration" pile. From there, hospital workers feed the body parts into massive ovens.

The absolute disgrace of modern medicine: babies as fuel for the furnace
What this practice shows is that, to the conventional medical system, the value of a living human baby is no more than that of a lump of coal.

An institution that claims to help save lives is actually in the business of routinely terminating them and shoveling the dead bodies in massive ovens to lower their own heating bills. This must make hospital administrators especially happy, knowing they can lower their operating costs (and boost profits!) by incinerating aborted babies to turn skin, bones, brain tissue and once-beating hearts into BTUs. Christmas bonus, anyone?

Just like Nazi crematoriums
If the image of bodies being incinerated in massive ovens seems familiar, that's because the same atrocity took place during another dark era of human history: the Nazi-run Holocaust and attempted extermination of the Jews.

In concentration camps like Auschwitz, human bodies were incinerated in massive ovens, just like it has long been done in UK hospitals:

Auschwitz crematorium, or UK hospital? They look the same and accomplish the same task.

Massive ovens have long been used to dispose of bodies after they were murdered. The "innovation" of modern medicine is to make the process of murder and incineration more "green" by turning dead bodies into heat so that the very doctors who perform these procedures can carry out their procedures in the comfort of a warm room.

Yes, burning aborted babies is a "green energy" practice, didn't you know? Burning babies is clean energy, we are supposed to believe. The mental derangement necessary to justify such grotesque atrocities is beyond explanation.

This practice makes my soul scream out in justified anger against the mass murderers of babies
Of course, if it's heat these cretins are after, they won't have to wait long. Hell is even hotter than a baby-combusting oven, and there' no escaping that because unlike human bodies, souls are eternal.

Such philosophical discussions seem to be of no concern to those who run the UK conventional medical system, of course. They just want to keep their hospitals comfy, and they have no hesitation whatsoever using aborted babies as a source of convenient fuel. Besides, it's not only "green" it's also "renewable" as long as women keep having abortions! GREEN AND RENEWABLE! Sounds like utopia!

By the way, if you are reading this article and do not feel extreme anger and disgust, you are simply not human. A living human baby is a sacred being. A medical system that treats these once-living beings as nothing more than fuel for the ovens is a system of pure evil that knows no bounds.

Credit to Natural News
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