Friday, February 14, 2014

We see his lies but not the way out

By Judi McLeod 

The 44th President of the United States is a non-stop talking Teleprompter, a pen and a telephone; a creature straight out of Science Fiction around whom no one seems to know the way out.

Leading a hostile and openly anti-American administration, whose trademark is dropping a shock a day, he uses the technology of social media to force his will not only on a captured-by-Marxists America, but on what was up to his 2008 election, the Free World.

The corrupt world domination-seeking United Nations and the falsely-named Arab Spring have flourished on Obama’s watch.

Barack Hussein Obama, his wife Michelle, top advisor Valerie Jarrett, too many czars and Hollywood stars to count, move in a carefully orchestrated world. Obama leans heavily on the false impression of popularity with a canned audience backing him up at every public appearance, members of whom applaud like clapping seals statements that grow more outrageous by the day.

The millions suffering under this regime left in the vacuum of the big hush find no sunshine to get the word out to the outside world. Indeed, it would appear to the outside world that dissenters don’t exist because the media that defines him leaves the impression that Obama’s “not a bad guy” just someone Fox News Bill O’Reilly described as miserably “misunderstood”.

Obama gets by in a world of his own carefully crafted making, which manages to keep all enemies at bay.

Millions are feeling the pain of his anti-American agenda and are growing in frustration and number. The dozens of groupies brought to every media conference he makes are the sound bites on the next day’s news to taunt and mock the masses.

The brave few who dare call out the reality of Obama tyranny get hurled into the IRS pitbull pen unwittingly dragging family and friends with them (Tea Party patriots, Dr. Ben Carson); are caught up in kangaroo courts (Dinesh D’Souza), or remain the subjects of ongoing media smear campaigns (Sarah Palin et al). All others who object to the highjacking of their own country get swiftly folded into the ‘racist’ category.

Anyone and everyone who, figuratively throws a pebble at the Obama Regime, figuratively gets stoned to death.

This is the cold harsh reality of Mr. “Not a Bad Guy” only “misunderstood” Barack- Teleprompter-Pen-and-Phone Obama.

This is the scenario as he continues his path on the deliberate destruction of America.

The gullible send messages over the Internet that this congressman or that one is “going to impeach Obama any day now”.

The helplessly hopeful look forward to the Democrats being wiped out in November midterm elections as the way out of the Obama stranglehold on America.

It matters not to Obama who wins midterms. Who needs the duly elected when he rules with a teleprompter, a pen and a phone with two more years of a second term still waiting to be played out?

Most of his lies have been fully documented, yet even with full-bore proof of them Obama remains unaccountable and untouchable.

The latest discovered lie from his salad days of 2008 came back on the haunt only yesterday.

According to then-Senator Obama after boasting he had taught Constitutional Law for 10 years:
“The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States of America.”

“That was the message from a man who would one day tell America that he’s “got a a pen and a phone” and intends to use them to advance his agenda with or without congressional approval.” (Robert Laurie, CFP, Feb. 14, 2014)

“Aren’t you glad that Senator Obama followed through on his promise? Don’t you feel safer knowing that “Mr. Unilateral Delay” is reducing the power of the Executive Branch? Isn’t it great to live in a country where we don’t have to worry about being lorded over by a boy king who refuses to acknowledge that his whims are subject to the Constitution?”

Is it really any wonder why Obama could so glibly get away with the big ObamaCare lies:

“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan”. “If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor”?

Meanwhile everyone from television’s talking heads to oppressed movements formed to fight him off keep talking about “what Obama is doing now” but no one is talking about finding an effective way to bring the Total Transformation of America to a grinding halt.

“No one wants to confront him,” says Rush Limbaugh.

No one wants to get in the face of the schoolyard bully when he has all the weapons on his side. But, unless they do, the bully will always get away with his reign of terror against the less equipped.

That no one knows what to do about a “lawless” President Barack Obama because they’ve never been faced with anybody like him before is not going to lead America back into the light of liberty.

Obama’s capture of the White House is closest in description to a home invasion. Getting elected under false pretenses, he first took over your house, then permanently locked you out. He commandeered the car you counted on to get to work, made new keys and left you without any means to retrieve worldly possessions you’re still paying taxes on.

This self-crowned King of the Entitled had no entitlement rights on America before his takeover. In fact, before getting elected as a do-nothing senator he wasn’t even a good citizen, only a government-funded agitator as a Community Organizer.

It’s high time to stop talking about “what Obama’s done now” and instead to pit all energies into finding the most effective way to legally stop him in his tracks.

As hopeless as it seems, the answer is there waiting to be found.

Credit to Canada Free Press

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