Friday, November 8, 2013

Barack Obama Isn’t Destroying This Country By Accident…

Consumer Comfort Plunges To 13 Month Lows
Another day, another collapse in a measure of the ‘peoples’ confidence. Despite the animal spirits of euphoric dot-com bubble betting that is the new-normal US equity markets, it seems both rich and poor are not loving it

Median wage falls to lowest level since 1998
Last year the median wage hit its lowest level since 1998, revealing that at least half of American workers are being left behind as the economy slowly recovers from the Great Recession.
But at the top, wages soared — the latest indication in a long-running trend of increasing inequality, with income gains going to top earners while the majority of workers see stagnant or falling wages.
Al Jazeera is the first news organization to report these figures from the Social Security Administration (SSA), which were released late in October.
The median wage — half of workers make more, half less — came to $27,519 last year, virtually unchanged from 2011. Measured in 2012 dollars, the median wage was down $4.
50 Million Americans in Poverty! Collapse is Here!

Everything is tanking

Whole Foods Is Crumbling

Three things that could trigger a near-term correction: B. of A. Merrill Lynch

Nomura bear sees global stocks tumbling 25% to 50% by 2015

“The bubble is building.”

With a headline like that, it’s pretty clear where Nomura strategist Bob Janjuah sits on the side of those big market gains that are making many investors squirm in both the cheap and expensive seats lately.

The last time uber-bear Janjuah popped his head above the parapet was summer, when he predicted a 25% to 50% bear market would hit in late 2013 or early 2014. While that has not happened, no matter to Janjuah, who merely shifted that apoca-stock-lyptical prediction out a few paces in his latest note to investors that published on Tuesday:

“…from a TIME perspective I still see end Q4 2013, through to end Q1 2014, as the window in which we see a significant risk-on top before giving way, over the last three quarters of 2014 and through 2015, to what could be a 25% to 50% sell-off in global stock markets.”

Janjuah says his 1,800 target for the S&P 500 SPX -1.32% has pretty much been nailed. (The index topped 1,775 last week.) But before any big reversal hits, investors may see higher highs, such as 1,850 for the S&P 500, and they should also hold out for more signs of complacency, he says.

Massive U.S. Job Cuts continue, signaling an impending Economic Armageddon

(INTELLIHUB) — Recently released jobs loss data from Challenger, Gray & Christmas highlights the growing decline in employment and signals an impending economic and social armageddon. The number of jobs lost from 2001 totals 12,551,440 which is detailed in the report Q1 Job Cuts Highest Since 2011 (MARCH CUTS TOTAL 49,255; UP 30% FROM YEAR AGO) published by Challenger, Gray & Christmas on April 4, 2013 [1]

2001 1,956,876
2002 1,466,823
2003 1,236,426
2004 1,039,735
2005 1,072,054
2006 839,822
2007 768,264
2008 1,223,993
2009 1,288,030
2010 529,973
2011 606,082
2012 523,362
Total 12,551,440


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