Thursday, November 21, 2013

2014 and the Queen of Spades

In 1949 when George Orwell (Eric Blair) assigned the date of 1984 to his novel about high tech mind control by a central administration of tyranny, he was more like 65 years rather than 35 years ahead of his time. He was so prescient that terms from his work, such as "Cold War", "thought crime", "thought police", "double think" and "Orwellian", are used in common parlance to describe real world phenomena.

The powers behind the scenes are in the process of tweaking their elaborate system to complete the establishment of full control of the world and its population in The New World Order Empire.

30 years after 1984, the roll out year of obvious in-your-face tyranny may be 2014.

This long-term gradual process is being accomplished by powerful wealthy strategists thoroughly compromising both institutions and individuals through a vast array of avenues and methods, including: fractional reserve banking, interest, loans, debt, privately controlled central banks, fiat currency, resources, chemicals, technology, industry, corporations, medicine, education, media, communications, government-corporate interlocking, bribery, blackmail, threat, murder, false flags, secret treaties, war, fear, hypnosis, psy ops, symbols, and other overt and hidden means of influencing everything from world affairs to personal attitudes and the health of body and mind.

Physical & Mental Control

The Transnational Interlocking Corporate Kingdom presents us with a variety of public poisons for the multiple purposes of lessening intelligence, reducing fertility, weakening the immune systemand promoting life-ending diseases that cost much of one's personal wealth in medical treatment expenses.

Corporate processed foods contain sugar, corn syrup, aspartame, MSG, GMOs, preservatives, dyes, and other toxins. The BPA in packaging disrupts the glandular system and hormones.

Toxic chlorine and fluoride and other chemicals are added to most public water supplies. Traces of agricultural, industrial and medical chemicals are in our food, water and air. Chemtrails are sprayed in the sky every few days. We breathe the fallout from these as well as other airborne pollutants, including radiation from Fukushima.

Also, most of the population has been vaccinated since childhood, and many are on some type of pharmaceutical medicine that worsens their physical or mental health.

Personal Information Records
Each of us has a corporate identity in relation to the establishment, tracked through the birth certificate, medical records, the social security number, a driver's license, auto registration, any professional or business license, a bank account, various credit accounts, credit bureau profiles, utilities accounts, insurance policies, real estate, taxation accounts, securities holdings, a passport, etc.

Those living in cities have a greater degree of surveillance from the numerous security cameras indoors and outdoors at commercial and government facilities, at intersections and along roadways.
If you are observant while driving on an interstate highway, you can repeatedly see a camera mounted on a pole or a sign, often with independent power from a small solar panel and/or a small windmill. In many areas one of these is placed every few miles. There are also cameras on cell phone towers that have a wide range of view.

These cameras along the main roads seem to be installed so that travelers are often in view. These devices feed the images to a computer. They can read your license tag and calculate your speed for possible high tech ticketing in the future. There may also be a scanner that can identify an RFID chip in your car, in your driver's license, in your cell phone or portable computer, or on products you may be carrying in the car. Hopefully you haven't had a chip implanted in your body.

If you turn your head to stare at a security camera as you pass by, can the computer determine by the angle of your face that you have observed it, and, identifying who you are through facial recognition, flag you for future reference as one who is aware of the surveillance system?

There are reports that drive-by vans equipped with advanced technology can scan you and your home or car remotely, without your knowledge. The frequency signatures of various items may be read, and they may be able to listen to your conversations in addition to gathering data from phone, Internet and email communications, "smart meters" and "smart appliances".

Any purchases made using a customer loyalty card and/or paid for with a bank card, are recorded. Anyone who has watched law enforcement TV programs like CSI or NCIS, knows that a suspect can be instantly tracked from their use of these cards.

Altogether, the control grid is much more thorough than described in Orwell's book. Technology has advanced more than he was able to know or predict 65 years ago.

Full Control
The consolidation of control over oil, natural gas, water, land, forests, farms, food and people around the world is the real intent of Agenda 21 of the United Nations. This will result in significant restrictions on lifestyle in a fully controlled society, as well as severe reduction of the population.Carbon emissions from normal human actions is just a falsified cover story for this program citing "sustainability" as its goal.

It is anticipated that undeniable tyranny may be revealed with a martial law scenario after a pre-planned disaster, similar to the security state unfolded after 9-11-01, only more rapidly and intensely.

Economic collapse, geophysical changes, such as earthquakes, volcanoes and mega storms,nuclear radiation, electro magnetic pulse (EMP), power grid shutdown, pandemic, provoked rebellion, any of these could be the trigger event that incites social chaos and a clamp down, as already rehearsed by emergency and security personnel numerous times.

The Queen of Spades
In the evasion style playing card game of "Hearts", the game is won by the person with the lowest score when the first player reaches a preset point total.

After a hand is played, each player who has taken tricks counts any hearts collected (1 point each), and adds those points to the player's game total. The person taking the Queen of Spades (aka "the Black Maria" or "the Black Lady") adds 13 points for that card. So with most hands, a total of 26 points are divided among the players.
In normal play you want to avoid taking tricks that include hearts or the mean queen to maintain as low a score as you can.

There is a special circumstance that boosts a player's position significantly. If a player is able to gather ALL the hearts and the queen of spades by taking all the tricks that contain any of these point cards, they choose to either decrease their score by 26 points or else add that amount to the other players' scores and none to their own. This is called "running" or "shooting the moon".

If you've played the game of Hearts, you know that unless a player trying to run them has all the power cards to be unstoppable, they hide the fact that they are going for a run for as long as possible during the hand. As soon as other players recognize a run attempt is in progress, they will change their approach and try to make sure one of them gets at least one heart to prevent the run from success.

The runner usually executes a strategy to try to take only a few hearts early and avoid taking the queen of spades until they are fairly certain they can complete the run and get all the point cards. If the run is blocked, the runner would want to minimize the expansion of their score by dumping the Queen of Spades and as many hearts as possible on other players later in the hand if they can.

By analogy, the elite powers have been "running" a big game leading toward tyranny for quite a while. They have been grabbing hearts in the form of smaller disasters like crises in finance, employment, politics and health care, as well as shootings, bombings and war; but more and more other players are recognizing that the elites are trying to run everything.

A greater "Queen of Spades" disaster may be played soon, which would confirm their attempt to run us all.

In this larger power game, though, the elites are having us pay with debt, taxes and freedom reductions as they snatch hearts with their events. One way or the other, they also want us to get "stuck" with the extra harm the Spade Queen play could deliver.

If the full run of intentional disasters and programmed solution protocols were to be accomplished, the tyrannical powers would be at a great advantage in their move to lockdown society, making it more difficult for the rest of us to avoid loss of assets, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and life itself.

What can we do to prevent their run of control from being completed and abandon the game of tyranny in favor of a reality of lasting freedom and growing wisdom?

Credit to Activist Post

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