Monday, October 7, 2013

Mount Tangkuban Perahu Erupts

Indonesia’s volcanology center issued an alert for Mount Tangkuban Perahu as the volcano rumbled to life on Saturday, erupting three times and triggering minor earthquakes in Lembang subdistrict over the weekend.

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) raised the status of the volcano from normal — the lowest level — to waspada (alert) on Saturday morning. The agency’s four warning levels run from normal to awas (danger) with waspada as the first warning above normal.

Volcanologists said they would keep an eye on the volcano as the tremors continued.

“We’ll kept watching out for quake signals from under the crater before we decide if we should raise the alert level further,” PVMBG official Gede Suandika told Indonesian news portal on Monday.

People were banned from a 1.5-radius around the volcano’s crater — a regular tourist draw in Lembang subdistrict. The PVMBG has not recommended an evacuation.

“Residents around Mount Tangkuban Perahu are urged to stay calm and keep doing their activities as usual and not be provoked by issues related to Mount Tangkuban Perahu’s eruptions,” the PVMBG said on its website, adding ” but they are also expected to keep paying attention to developments on [the volcano's] activities listed by the local BPBD [Disaster Mitigation Agency] and follow its instructions.”

The volcano, which lies on the outskirts of Bandung, West Java, last erupted in March, but the activity was minor. Tourists were banned from the crater and vendors were told to move.

Credit to Jakarta Globe

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