Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hurricane Manuel slowly moves closer to Mexico's western coast

Hurricane Manuel slowly moves closer to Mexico's western coast

MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19 (UPI) -- Hurricane Manuel slogged very close to Mexico's Pacific coast Thursday, prompting a hurricane warning and a tropical storm watch, forecasters said.

Manuel, a small tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 75 mph, was about 20 miles northwest of Altata and 85 miles southeast of Los Mochis, traveling north at 3 mph, the National Hurricane Center in Miami reported in its 5 a.m. EDT advisory.

Mexican authorities posted a hurricane warning for La Cruz to Topolobampo and a tropical storm warning north of Topolobampo to Huatabampito.

Manuel was expected to move northward in the next 24 hours then shift toward the northwest. On its forecast track, Manuel's center is expected to gradually move a small distance inland over western Mexico during the next 24 hours, forecasters said.

Manuel is expected to produce 5- to 10 inches of rain over Sinaloa state, with isolated amounts of 15 inches possible, forecasters said. Manuel also could produce 1- to 2 inches of rain over the Baja California Peninsula and Nayarit state.

A storm surge with large and destructive waves will raise water levels by as much as 2- to 4 feet above normal tide levels along the coast near and south of where Manuel's center makes landfall.

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