Thursday, August 8, 2013

True Freedom and Deliverance!

Only in Christ is there great freedom and deliverance from the bondage of Satan, our human depravity, and the outworking of sin and its terrible consequences (John 8:32, 36; Rom. 7:24-25; Heb. 2:14-16). Humanity has never and will never be able to govern itself, not in this fallen world. Tyranny and the unbridled passions of man will always win the day. Six thousand years of human history has testified to that fact. Our Founding Fathers realized that truth, and that only a moral and God-fearing people would ever have a chance of outworking the kind of human government that could check the depraved appetites of fallen humanity and preserve the basic liberties and freedoms endowed by their Creator. We as a nation today have discarded a sense of healthy morals and ethical guidelines, and are sadly reaping the tyrannical social consequences. Oppressive tyranny is not too far off here in America. When this tyranny and its fearful ramifications fully manifest themselves, what then?

Humanity has never and will never be able to govern itself, not in this fallen world. Tyranny and the unbridled passions of man will always win the day.

Ask yourself this very simple question. How can an imperfect humanitywho lives in an imperfect world bring about an absolutely perfect“Utopian” society? (See Romans 7:24.) The answer is a no-brainer yet extremely hard for humanity to digest: it never can. The only hope anddeliverance for humanity today is found in its wonderful Creator and Redeemer, The Lord Jesus Christ. 

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior today? Only He can deliver you from the oppressive tyranny of Satan and the World System. He is the only deliverer from our bondage to Sin and all its awful consequences(Romans 6:23). He has come to set at liberty the sons of men (Rom. 4:17,18, 6:14,17-18, 22; 7: 24-25; 8:2, 21; Gal. 5:1; Eph. 4:8). May it be your sincere desire to put your trust in Him today! 

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). 

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). 

The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!


The Ignorant Fishermen Blog

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