Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Netanyahu calls for increased pressure

World pressure kept Iran from gaining nuclear weapons in the past, and is preventing it from crossing the nuclear threshold now, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Tuesday in response to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's comment that threats against Iran do not work.

The US State Department also responded to Rouhani's remarks, stating that they seek to see "credible steps taken" to address their concerns that a nuclear program that Tehran says is purely for peaceful needs is actually an effort to build a nuclear bomb.

"Iran's president said that pressure won't work. Not true," Netanyahu said during a meeting with 36 Democratic US Congressman in his office. "The only thing that has worked in the last two decades is pressure. And the only thing that will work now is increased pressure," he said.

He added that it was "important to understand" that if the pressure on the Islamic Republic was relaxed "they will go all the way." In a certain sense, Netanyahu was preaching to the converted since the House voted last week – on the eve of Rouhani's inauguration on Sunday – to increase US sanctions on Iran, targeting what remains of its oil sector.

Netanyahu's comments came just after Rouhani gave his first press conference since taking office on Sunday, saying he was "seriously determined" to resolve a dispute with the West over Teheran's nuclear program and was ready to enter "serious and substantive" negotiations on the issue.

The United States has said it would be a "willing partner" if Iran was serious about finding a peaceful solution to the issue.

Rouhani, however, turned that equation around, and said that if Washington demonstrated goodwill towards Iran and an atmosphere of mutual respect was created, the way was open for talks to remove the concerns of both sides.

Netanyahu has consistently warned since Rouhani's election in June that the world should not be "taken in" by his perceived "moderation" and let the new Iranian president draw out negotiations as a stalling tactic, all the while continuing full-speed ahead on the nuclear program.

The congressmen who met with Netanyahu are here on a one-week tour sponsored by the American Israel Education Foundation, a charitable organization affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The group, which includes 31 freshman representatives, is led by Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland). One government official said Iran has already, since Rouhani's election, upgraded its centrifuge capabilities, both by adding "thousands of new centrifuges" and introducing more advanced centrifuges that allows them to dramatically "accelerate their enrichment process."

In recent weeks, the official said, the Iranians have "improved their centrifuges both quantitatively and qualitatively." Alongside efforts to create the material for a bomb through uranium enrichment, Iran was at the same time also working at its Arak heavy water plant on a parallel path to build a bomb based on plutonium.

"They are determined to get a bomb one way or another," he said, adding that the world needed to be equally determined to prevent them from doing so.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, meanwhile, met with Azerbaijan's Defense Minister Safar Abiyev on Monday, telling him that Iran, Azerbaijan's southern neighbor, was running out of time to resolve concerns over its nuclear program diplomatically.

According to the source, Israel was capable of carrying out a unilateral military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities without operational support from the United States. He acknowledged, however that such a strike would be less effective than one conducted by the US.

Sources in the Prime Minister's Office denied that this sentiment mirrored government's position, saying it reflected only the opinion of the source quoted.

Jerusalem Post

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