Friday, August 9, 2013

Israel can spark US-Russia thermonuclear war: LaRouche

American political activist Lyndon LaRouche has warned that the continuation of Israeli behavior towards Syria, including the recent air strikes against the Arab country, could end in a US-Russia thermonuclear war.

His comments appeared in an article by Jeffrey Steinberg, which has been published in the latest issue of Executive Intelligence Review, a weekly news magazine founded by LaRouche himself.

“Lyndon LaRouche warned on Aug. 3 that ongoing Israeli actions, including the July 5 Israeli Air Force (IAF) bombing of a depot near Latakia, Syria which held Russian-made anti-ship cruise missiles, could trigger a wider war, drawing the United States into thermonuclear conflict with Russia,” the article starts.

Following the attack, American officials said the air strike had failed to destroy all the missiles. Steinberg said the leak proved that the US wanted to distance itself from any military measure against Russian targets in Syria to avoid further escalation of any future conflict with Moscow.

“According to U.S. intelligence sources contacted by EIR, the leaks are intended to make clear that the United States is not supporting the Israeli strikes against Russian targets against Syria. Such strikes could lead to an escalation that directly draws the United States into a head-on confrontation with Russia,” the piece read.

LaRouche, an eight times presidential candidate, said in 2004 that “ the ongoing drive to induce President George W. Bush to launch a war against Iraq, is a 1996 Israeli government policy that is being foisted on the President by a nest of Israeli agents inside the U.S. government.”

Press Tv

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