Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Disaster Looms: FEMA Scrambles To Stockpile Food Reserves

In recent years the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has beenregionalizing disaster supplies and rapidly procuring hundreds of millions of ready-to-eat meals, blankets, and body bags. Coupled with the Department of Homeland Security’s suspiciously massive purchases of ammunition, firearms, and riot gear, it is becoming increasingly clear that the U.S. government is positioning itself in advance of an as of yet unknown widespread calamity.

The stockpiling of supplies often considered prepper staples has been occurring since at least 2008, and has increased in scope and velocity throughout the last several years. In fact, the government has been buying so many supplies and in such large amounts that shortages have affected the world’s leading manufacturers to the point they’ve been forced to suspend shipments to retail customers of survival foods andammunition.

The efforts to stockpile supplies have not abated, despite the mainstream notion that we are experiencing an economic recovery and that relative peace exists throughout the world. In fact, it seems that FEMA and DHS are increasingly expanding their efforts. As evidenced in the report below, they are no longer just waiting for bids posted on the Federal Business Opportunities web site.
FEMA is now actively engaging businesses on the retail supply level, suggesting that whatever they are preparing for is imminent and may occur in short order:

Via and My Patriot Supply:
The owner of was contacted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by way of email, leading on that something is ready to pop off.
“Here we are, August 2013 and FEMA once again is trying to buy up large stockpiles of food. And they don’t want anyone to know it, and they want to take immediately delivery… I’ve studied history. That is what got me into preparedness in the first place. History has shown us time after time that those who depend on the government to come to their aid during a disaster are the ones waiting the longest for help. Sometimes help never comes…or comes too late.
I do not believe these critical emergency food supplies should be in the hands of the government, stored in some secret warehouse only to be brought out and distributed to their own agencies first,  with the rest of us getting table scraps long after we need it.
These life-saving meals belong in the hands of people like you and me. This is why I declined the opportunity to sell to the Department of Homeland Security. 
But let’s not forget the most important part of this: 
Why the sudden sense of urgency? What do they know that we do not?
I’m not one to cry that the sky is always falling, but when DHS/FEMA make a move to quietly buy up emergency food supplies and ask how much we can ship within 24 hours…I think this is far enough outside the realm of what is “normal” to beg some questions.

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