Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July - America's Rejection of Almighty God

If George WashingtonJohn Adams and Benjamin Rush etc... were to come back from the grave to testify against America, the majority of American’s would NOT hear them and would fully reject them. Americans would be enraged this 4th of July by their words of rebuke and seek to destroy and slander them 24/7 onthe media news outlets and then have them stoned. We are too far gone morally to restore this nation and the majority of Americans do not have an ear to hear the moral and social conservatism which our founders stood for and believed. This is the sobering reality of our hour and one must ask himself, “Am I strong enough to look into the eyes of this horrific beast of reality and by faith put ALL my trust in Almighty God and in His Word, promises and ETERNAL saving solution (Mark 11:22, Heb. 11:6)."

We are too far gone morally to restore this nation and the majority of Americans do not have an ear to hear the moral and social conservatism which our founders stood for and believed.

Many TRUE conservatives are scared and truly frightened to death about what lies ahead for our once great nation. They are trapped in a subjective world view without any ETERNAL or Heavenly objective perspective, which is based on Almighty God and His infallible Word. My dear friend, fear not about what is at hand for our doomed nation and the current over whelming crises of this temporal fallen world, for all these things MUST come to pass as the Lord Jesus said (Matt. 24).

Put NOT your trust in any man or woman in these final hours.

Put NOT your trust in any man or woman in these final hours even in the conservative talk radio voices of the right for they are oblivious to the ETERNAL realities and only present a subjective world view for their listeners (Psalm 118:8, 146:3-5, Jer. 17:5, 1 John 2:17). May we always be doing our part for our nation, but never trusting in it in such days. May our focus and strength come ONLY from Almighty God and from His precious promises which are for us in His Holy Word (Rom. 8:28-39, 2 Cor. 1:20). From Heaven's ETERNAL perspective the future is always bright.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand my beloved! May your trust be in the Lord of hosts and this reality be seen ever clearer as we head forth to that very hour?

The Ignorant Fishermen Blog

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