Monday, May 6, 2013

Bob Ulrich reviews Exo Vaticana


Flying saucers over the Vatican? An alien invasion of Jerusalem? Official Disclosure by the White House in 2013? Closely-guarded family secrets of alien abductions? A 40-year old personal account of a mid-air encounter with a gigantic silver craft by someone you know very well? Astronaut encounters, the face on Mars and the mysteries of Roswell? Hybrid breeding programs and alien architecture on other planets? Government cover-ups? One-on- one interviews with a “Who’s Who” of UFO insiders? Need I say more? Just reading the Table of Contents was a thrilling adventure!

It’s no surprise that Tom Horn and Cris Putnam have another best-selling book on their hands. This one seems to have really touched a nerve, even more so than their 2012 blockbuster,Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here—the book that predicted the sudden resignation of Pope Benedict. Then, just when you thought it was safe to go back to your local bookstore . . . Exo-Vaticana hit the shelves. I can tell you that someone doesn’t want you to read this book. Some have even resorted to phony, Amazon reviews, trashing the book with one-star ratings and nonsensical criticism! What’s next? A book burning?

One look at this provocative book cover gives you a pretty good idea where they’re going with Exo-Vaticana. 1978 could be called “The Year of the Three Popes.” Pope Paul VI died on August 6, 1978, He was replaced by the short- lived, two-week reign of Pope John Paul I, who was followed by Pope John Paul II, the Pope who disclosed the mysterious 3rd mystery of the Fatima vision (covered in a separate chapter), revealing his assassination encounter.

1978 brought a wave of UFOs that accompanied these appointments. They came in all shapes and sizes—cigars, doughnuts, luminous triangles, hovering discs, and one craft that cast a beam of green, laser-like light down on Rome! Sightings were reported all over Italy by residents, police, airlines, and Vatican guards—all shook up by the appearance of these flying craft. Even the NY Times reported these sightings, as panic gripped the city. Stranger still, in 2005 when Pope John Paul II died, these craft returned with a vengeance! At his funeral no less! Someone is sure interested in what goes on in Vatican City.

Horn and Putnam sure are. Their research has led them to some conclusions that most of the world would find quite strange. Chapter after chapter, they lure you deeper and deeper into the end-times puzzle. Are we being set up for a great deception from outer space? Do the soon- coming “lying signs and wonders” represent a spectacular UFO appearance explaining away the rapture? Does the Vatican know something about the future they’re not sharing? Could 2013 be the year of the great disclosure? Actually, it’s not far-fetched.

The authors share an interesting story about a scroll that surfaced in the 1990s, rumored to be one of the ancient scrolls found near the Dead Sea and spirited away to a monastery on the Austrian border by Benedictine monks. This “Angel Scroll” tells the story of a UFO encounter that features a fleet of flying saucers hovering and then attacking Jerusalem!

Then there’s the now legendary story of Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R. (seriously), the strange name given to part of the Vatican’s massive astronomical complex atop Mt. Graham in Arizona. Somehow, Horn and Putnam managed to gain access to this little jewel and got a guided tour that included private talks with the Vatican’s astronomers on the subject of UFOs! From what they indicated in Exo-Vaticana, these high-wire acts are spotted quite regularly in outer space! What exactly is the Vatican looking for? According to astronaut Gordon Cooper, it’s UFOs and little green men and they just can’t wait to roll out the red carpet for them! Greetings earthlings!

In 2005 a Jesuit priest, Guy Consolmagno, a leading astronomer and spokesman for the Vatican, authored a pamphlet entitled. Intelligent Life in the Universe: Catholic Belief and the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life. Shortly after its release, the Vatican yanked the publication permanently. But leave it to these two relentless researchers to get their hands on a copy. In this controversial document, Consolmagno admits that he expects contemporary societies to “look to the aliens to be the Saviors of humankind!”

Denying the existence of UFOs is difficult. Just ask the residents of Phoenix who experienced the “Phoenix Lights” in 1997. As dusk arrived one evening, a massive craft made it’s way across the Arizona skies, shocking thousands of people by its sheer size. That’s right out of the movie Independence Day!

Press coverage of course was very limited, but should we be surprised they are complicit in the cover up?

Horn and Putnam were led to ask the question—why Arizona? They hint that perhaps it houses some special type of space portal conducive to extraterrestrial travel—right out of Horn’s book, Nephilim Stargates! Is this why the Vatican chose Mt. Graham to house their powerful telescopes?

Remember what happened on Mt. Hermon? According to the ancient Book of Enoch, this is where 200 fallen angels descended to Earth. The authors relay the details, culminating in the activities of the Nephilim, the hybridization of the human race and ultimately the genetic manipulation that was commonplace in the Days of Noah. These are not unrelated events. This is all connected. As a hyperventilating L.A. Marzulli said just the other day, “Bob, we’re here. This stuff is coming down. We’re right at the door!”
Prophecy in the news

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