Monday, April 22, 2013

They have turned the university city into a large prison And we who have already seen 35-40 people die in one terror attack day after day....

Jews sitting in the Land of Israel today are nodding, perhaps scratching their heads, and saying to themselves, perhaps to their family members, maybe even to their friends: Three people were killed in Boston, and the Americans have lost their minds. They have turned the university city, with its millions of residents, into a large prison, turned routine life into complete chaos. And all because of three casualties.

And we, who have already seen 35-40 people die in one terror attack, sometimes day after day, and dozens and hundreds of people injured, what shall we say?

One again we nod and conclude: The Americans have lost their minds, even if they did eventually succeed in their pursuit. The two terrorists were caught, one died and the other is on his way to hell. Fine, so what does it have to do with us? Boston is thousands of miles away, and terrorism there is an "internal affair." So what do we have to do with it?

1. Well, we could say that the terror and manhunt in Boston concern us in the State of Israel as well. What can we learn from it, if we want to learn anything? That with the Americans there are no shortcuts. When they want to achieve something, to create facts on the ground, they have no problem recruiting thousands and tens of thousands of people for the mission, bringing life in a city of millions to a halt, raising hell. Even God won't stand in their way when it comes to a matter that seems important to them.

An example from the past: The Americans decided to get their hands on Panama's ruler, Noriega, who they saw as one of the biggest drug dealers. They say that 3,000 innocent Panamanian citizens were killed on the American way to capture the drugged ruler.

And here is a tiny example from the near past, which we can learn something from too: The Americans declared at the time that they do not recognize Ariel, and certainly not its university. They announced that students from Ariel would not be invited to listen to Obama's speech in Jerusalem. This led to an uproar: Who are they to make decisions for us? We'll show them! Well, were any students from Ariel present at Obama's speech?

And another tiny example from the near past: Some 200,000 people signed a petition calling for Jonathan Pollard's release. A total of 200,000 signatures! If we wanted to be rude, we would write right here and now that as part of economizing at the White House, they are using this signature paper for different needs. As far as they are concerned, new Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein can go on and on about this painful issue in his festive speeches. From the American perspective, any mention of Pollard as a national hero is just another nail in his coffin. It turns out that when America says "no," it means "no" – and there's nothing we can do about it.

War of life and death

2. The entire world, and certainly the great America, must take the next world war with the utmost seriousness: The Islamic, radical, fanatical half of the world against the Western, free half of the world which simply seeks a comfortable life. It is a war between hundreds of millions of Muslims, who conquer countries, especially in Europe, and try to impose their way of life and hallucinatory beliefs on millions of other people. These are Muslims who have the spirit of al-Qaeda, not necessarily the organizational setting, breathing down their necks in the face of and against hundreds of millions of people, including in Israel, who pursue and strive for peace and quiet.

The war between the first half of the world and the second half of the world is in its midst, but as always, the Western half of the world is still enjoying its beauty sleep and is late waking up. Shots are being fired on its streets, its citizens are being killed, while it thinks that this is a gang war or a scene from a Hollywood film.

It will be too pretentious on our part to suggest that the free world set up a sort of joint NATO headquarters on the war on terror, establish an intelligence network that will forcibly infiltrate the other half of the world – thwarting, preventing, damaging.

As far as we are concerned, not just as Israelis but also as free Western citizens, it's a war of life and death. And as far as we are concerned, the difficult event in Boston is just the beginning: The Americans have shown us once again that when it comes to a matter they consider as fundamental, they do as they please. They go all the way. When will they wake up, sober up and use their power and brains to lower the flames of terror in the other, hostile, destructive part of the world?

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