Friday, April 19, 2013

The “Boston Marathon Race Bombing” in the card game

The world is once again in a state of shock after what had happened at the “Boston Marathon Race Bombing of April 15, 2013. And while many are still trying to figure the whole story of those events surrounding the bombings, many other facts have surfaced, and many others which I know of, which shall aid us in finding out the whole of the truth of what actually happened and, quite possibly, who is actually behind it all.
When we look at (Figure 1) we can see that there were obviously two explosions on Boylston St. in Boston, very close to the finish line of the Boston Marathon Race. The most immediate questions I’ve been asked about the explosions are: “Are there any Illuminati Cards that speak of this event”, “Is the Illuminati behind this”, and “Is there any evidence which support the idea that the bombing was a contrived occurrence?” Let’s weigh through the evidence and see what we can determine thus far.
The first thing is apparent about the Boston Marathon Race is that it’s made up of joggers. Simple and obvious! What isn’t obvious to a lot of folks is that there is an Illuminati Card called“Joggers” (Figure 2). There are a number of things of interest with this card to take note of:
1) The first line reads: “No one ever suspects a harmless jogger…”
2) The second line reads: “…a +2 on anyAssassination attempt”.
Well, it quite obvious that Joggers were the participants of this Marathon race. And even though the card does state that “No one ever suspects a harmless jogger…” I would add that “No one ever suspects a bombing at a harmless, jogger’s Marathon race.”
The “+2 on any Assassination attempt” tells us that there is an “Assassination” involved with this card, and this is further emphasized by the fact that the word “Assassination” is italicized on the card. And, the plus 2 can/does refer to two assassination events or, the two bombs that were planted near the finish line of the race. Sad to say but, many were injured and “Assassinated” during the race.
(Figure 3) is going to reveal a major telltale clue. If you look at the left wrist of the jogger, circled in red, you can see the Capstone of the Illuminati. And that sweatband, or wristband with capstone, is on the left hand side tells us that this is the “left hand path or, the dark side” of the occult world. In other words, this would definitely indicate the Illuminati. And, when we look at (Figure 4) the card does fall into place with the Boston Marathon Race. Let’s move on!

When we look at (Figure 5) called “Combined Disasters” we find other telltale clues that line up with the Boston Marathon Race:
1) The title of the cards reads “Combined” which means, more than one disaster would happen. And, it did! The JFK Library was also part of the overall events of the day.
2) Numerous reports have stated that the bomb went off anywhere from 2:51p.m. – 2:57p.m. Look at the circled area in (Figure 6) . The exact time on the clock reads “2:55”. This is only minutes within the exact time the actual bomb went off.
3) As with (Figure 3), please look at (Figure 7) and you will see for yourself there is another capstone (a pyramid with the Illuminati Eye of Lucifer near the top of the pyramid).
4) When we now look at (Figure 8), you can not only see a tower in the background as you’ll also see in (Figure 8), but you also notice this aligns up with the “Joggers” card because of the obvious Boston Marathon Race going on.
Another piece of evidence which points to the fact that the Boston Marathon Race was planned ahead of time can be found on a very mysterious Facebook page. When we look at (Figure 9), on March 20, 2013, exactly “26 days before the events” someone put up a Facebook page under the name of “Boston Marathon Explosion” (Figure 10). Here’s where it gets really interesting now. Exactly “two days before the explosions”,
1) On Saturday “April 13” (2 days before the event) the Boston Marathon Explosion Facebook account reads (Figure 11)“Thoughts Go out To All Involved In The Boston Explosions (Figure 12).”
2) A number of News organizations are scene covering the event
3) There are exactly “18 likes” or what comes out to be “6+6+6”.
4) There are other “666’s” to be found but, for now, let’s move on.
The story of the Boston Bombing really gets mysterious now. CNN News, a propaganda unit of the government, stated throughout the day of April 17, 2013 that police officials had a suspect in custody. However, not only was that a lie, but the FBI contacted CNN about this and they were forced to apologize and retract their story.
CNN News also heard of a “Family Guy” episode titled: “Turban Cowboy” and declared it was a myth and didn’t exist. This is “another one of CNN’s lies”. The episode in question is called“Turban Cowboy”. In the storyline, Peter Griffin wins the Boston Marathon (Figure 13) and, later on in the same episode, he is inside of the Clam Bake (while wearing a typical Arabic outfit) with two of his friends. During their conversation Peter tries to get a hold of another one of his friends (unknown to Peter at the time, a terrorist (Figure 14)) and, after he uses the cell phone the first time, an explosion is heard. Peter then believes he mis-dialed the number and tries the number a second time (Figure 15a). It’s then that a second explosion is heard and, this time, you hear people screaming in terror in the background. In (Figure 13) we can see Peter behind the wheel of a vehicle and immediately behind him are all those people he ran over to win the Boston Marathon Race (Figure 15a).
Even though both events, the multiple deaths and injuries, and the two cellphone detonations are separate ones, they explain perfectly everything that has been told on the news about the Boston Marathon Race. Is this a one in a trillion chance coincidence or, did the Illuminati plan these things ahead of time as I have so often proven in the past? I am convinced they did. Again, I will get to this shortly.

*Note – I will try and see if I can have the Family Guy episode, “Turban Cowboy”, put up on my web site for everyone to view.

Please take a look at (Figure 16). This particular diagram will show you where, on Bolyston Street, the two explosions had occurred. The first explosion happened right before the finish line as seen in the diagram and, also in (Figure 17) .
In (Figure 18) you will see an overhead map and, towards the rear part of this map, you’ll see a red design where the second explosion occurred. In(Figure 19) you’ll see the buildings before the second explosion detonated and, in (Figure 20) you can see the second explosion, and the first one further down the road.
In (Figure 21) you can see a very good aerial photograph of Boylston Street and, at the crossroads, right before the church building, was the finish line of the Boston Marathon Race (Figure 22). This is where the second bomb exploded and this is where the Associates - Boston Public Library is located. And it’s no coincidence that the address is “666 Boylston Street”. Rumors have been spreading that there is no “666 Boylston Street” and, yet in(Figure 23) it proves it does exist. I typed in “666 Boylston Street” and the map has a white star with an orange filled circle pointed exactly where that address is located in Boston on Bolyston Street. And(Figure 24) will verify the Yahoo location and the street address when I was authenticating the building and the actual street address. This is the other “666”I had spoken about before. This is no coincidence Ladies and Gentlemen; too often in the past we have seen this used as a “calling card” for activities of the Illuminati and, in this case, this “666” street address says it all.
Other very strange things surrounding the events of the Boston Marathon Race, need answering:
1) Who is this unknown man walking atop of the building just as the second bomb exploded (Figure 25)? Is he in on the bombing?
2) Dawn Hochsprung (Figure 26) was the Elementary Principal killed at the Sandy Hook shooting. Yet, on the news, it shows “Donna was a few block away when bombs exploded (Figure 27). What is going on here??? Did she, or did she not die at Sandy Hook? And, if not, what does this tell us about the Sandy Hook massacre?
3) Who are these mysterious figures wearing black backpacks (Figure 28) ? And, when we take a closer look at their uniforms, specifically at their baseball caps, they are wearing a deaths’ skull (Figure 29). Plus, in this FBI photo (Figure 30) it shows, what appears to me as one of those black backpacks those mysterious men were wearing.
Who were those mysterious men at the blast site? They are part of a private military group known as the “Craft” (Figure 31). Notice that the logos of “Figure 29 & 31” match up perfectly. The term“the Craft” is another term Illuminati members refer to their religion when they’re out in public. They say “the Craft” so people won’t know precisely what they’re talking about. Were they part of the so-called “bombing exercise” that the news has been reporting every now and then? And, if so, if this were to have been a “simple exercise” why did those bombs go off then?
At the same time these events had occurred, mysterious letter filled with “Ricin” had been delivered to Barak Obama (Figure 32) (the White House) and one to Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi (the Capitol). Ricin is poisonous if it’s inhaled, injected, or ingested and coming from castor beans (Figure 33). The Castor oil plant and its fruits can be seen in (Figure 34) .
When we look at all of the events, the two bombings (and as many as 2 or 3 others which didn’t explode), the JFK Library fire/explosion, and the Ricin sent to the White and The Capitol, I don’t see how any of these events could be separated. They all seem to be joined at the hip as they say.
I believe the events surrounding the Boston Marathon Race Bombings were another Illuminati event:

1) The Illuminati cards agree with the events
2) The Family Guy episode, the Turban Cowboy, agree with the Illuminati cards
3) Facebook pages spoke of these events before they had happened in similar fashion to those that were on the Sandy Hook killings. And the number of “Likes” on the “Boston Marathon Explosion” Facebook page, was 18, or 6+6+6
4) The address where the second explosion occurred at the Associates – Boston Public Library, is “666 Boylston Street”.
5) The mysterious, reappearance of Principal Dawn Hochsprung, who was “supposed” to have been killed at the Sandy Hook murders, appears on the news and was reported to have been within a few blocks of where the bombs exploded.
6) And mysterious men, dressed in black wearing a “deathskull” on their caps, from a private military group known as the “Craft” are seen at the scene of the crime wearing backpacks and, one backpack seems to have been theirs.
Too many things about the Boston Marathon Race Bombings (Figure 35) certainly were known ahead of time which, only leads me to believe, especially with the repeat number off 666 (a calling card for the Illuminati usually left to mark their territory), that the Illuminati had a hand in these events.
At this point, all we can do is be patient and wait for further developments and, if we’re very fortunate, more evidence will surface which will help us in determining more of the Illuminati’s involvement in this tragedy. Please bear in mind that, even though we are looking deeply for Illuminati involvement in this tragedy, people have been murdered, maimed and seriously hurt. Pray for their speedy recovery and for the sake of their friends and families.
Take care my Brothers and Sisters, and all my friends out there. God keep each and every single one of you…Doc!

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15a

Figure 16

Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 23

Figure 24

Figure 25

Figure 26

Figure 27

Figure 28

Figure 29

Figure 30

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

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