Monday, April 8, 2013


At a banking conference on Friday, Vice President Joe Biden called for the creation of a “new world order” with new financial institutions, updated global rules, a level playing field, and a prosperous China.

His comments seem to refer to the president’s so-called pivot-toward-Asia – a professed strategy of putting a greater focus on the Asia region.
His statements come as the U.S. increased its deployments in the Pacific, purportedly in response to threats from North Korea.

Those military moves prompted much speculation in the news media that some of the White House response to North Korea may be related to the larger pivot to Asia that has been a major Obama administration policy goal.

Biden’s remarks also come one week after China, Russia and other powers announced the creation of a new economic order that would rival the Western-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Delivering the keynote address at the Export-Import Bank Conference in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Biden stated “the affirmative task we have now is to create a new world order.”

He continued: “Because the global order is changing again, and the institutions of the world worked so well in the post-World War II era for decades, they need to be strengthened, and some need to be changed.”

“So we have to do what we do best, we have to lead,” he stated. “We have to update the global rules of the road, we have to do it in a way that maximizes benefits for everyone, because obviously, it’s overwhelmingly in our interests. This is not a zero sum game, it’s overwhelming our interest, that China prosper, that Mongolia prosper, that nations big and large, East and West (prosper). We have to level the playing field so that companies and workers can compete in the world, that the competition is fair and it’s healthy.”

On Friday, WND published an article asking whether the Obama administration’s military build-up in the Pacific is part of the president’s so-called pivot-toward-Asia strategy, a move that could demonstrate the biggest shift in world power since World War II?

It is difficult for most seasoned observers to explain why Obama is suddenly responding to North Korean aggression when the White House did little in 2008 when North Korea refused to allow United Nations inspectors into its nuclear plants.

The Obama administration also took little action when North Korea in 2009 carried out at least two nuclear tests, one of which is believed to have been the cause of a magnitude 4.7 seismic event.

The White House did not allow the U.S. military any significant response when in 2010 North Korea torpedoed a South Korean navy ship, killing 46 sailors. North Korea then shelled a South Korean island with little U.S. reaction.

Now, purportedly in response to aggressive action by North Korea’s new leader, the White House is sending to Singapore a new class of warship designed to fight in coastal waters.

The Pentagon also announced that it will deploy a missile defense system to the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam to strengthen regional protection against a possible attack. This after the Obama administration largely canceled a similar defense system intended for Europe.

U.S. warplanes, including fighter jets, U-2 spy planes and an A-10 attack jet, were seen flying in South Korea yesterday as part of a massive joint military exercise.

The U.S. says it stands “poised to respond” at the border of North and South Korea, where American troops are on high alert amid possible further Pentagon build-up in the region.


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