Monday, February 11, 2013

The Fourth Quarter 2013

Joseph Herrin (02-06-2013)

In two previous posts I have shared insights relating to a Mercedes Benz advertising scheme that was utilized during the run-up to the recent Super Bowl. A teaser commercial was released prior to the game, building an anticipation of something that was coming. One variant of the commercial stated “Somethingpowerful is coming,” while another stated “Something sinister is coming.”

I want to point out the significance of this advertisement from this German automobile company. This is not merely one of many commercials among the Super Bowl’s corporate advertisers. It was given a special prominence by the powers that control the media. On October 3, 2011, it was officially announced that Mercedes Benz purchased naming rights to the Superdome. This was the venue in which the recent Super Bowl was held. This gave Mercedes Benz a preeminent position to make whatever announcement they desired. The Mercedes Benz brand was everywhere in the lead-up to the world’s greatest sporting event. This put an intense spotlight upon the commercial they aired during the game. The ad appeared in the fourth quarter. This fact, as will be shown, is highly significant.

An article was posted on Henry Makow’s site, a popular forum for conspiracy theories, in which the writer suggested that a nuclear bomb might go off during the Super Bowl. Such an event, of course, did not occur. What was interesting about this article was the inclusion of a photo of a Mercedes Benz ad in the print edition of ESPN magazine. You can see it at the following link.

The photo is very poor quality. The magazine is tilted at an angle. The glare of the camera’s flash markedly obscures the image, but what the ad says is highly symbolic. I wondered if I could find a better image online. My search took me to the website for ESPN Magazine’s digital edition. The site prompts the visitor to sign up for a magazine subscription, but I was unwilling to pony up $29.95 just to see if I could locate this ad. I found a preview link for the magazine, and the preview was for the very edition of this bi-monthly magazine that contained the advertisement.

When I clicked on the preview I discovered that the visitor is only shown a single page from within the magazine. The one page displayed just happened to contain the Mercedes Benz advertisement.

I was able to capture the screen image above to display in this blog post. This advertisement has Illuminati influence all over it. Even the Mercedes Benz emblem with its three spokes and triangular design is a reference to the Luciferian trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz (Babylonian), or Isis, Horus, and Seb (Egyptian).

It is not difficult to discern the parable, the esoteric message, contained in the poster above. The ad uses a form of double speak. It contains intentional misdirection. The words are NOT speaking about the Super Bowl game. They are a reference to the year 2013. Lucifer’s disciples are promising that the year 2013 will have a “thrilling” fourth quarter. Notice that the 13 in the year 2013 is going up in flames, as is the Superdome itself. This is the type of “thrill” Satan is announcing.

Inside the stadium the entire nation was represented. There was an East Coast team and a West Coast team, and they met in the middle of the nation. The span of the entire continent from East to West was represented. Brother against brother faced off in a great conflict. The halftime show was marked by darkness and flames. The game itself experienced a sudden plunge into darkness at the beginning of the third quarter. Using the 13 minute Illuminati halftime show as a pattern, the darkness will be followed with an eruption of flames. It will end in death as was signified by Beyonce lying prone on the stage at the end of her performance.

Let me mention once more that the game was played on February 3rd, the anniversary of The Day the Music Died. Don McLean forever memorialized this date when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P Richardson (The Big Bopper) died, in his song American Pie. It includes the following lyrics.

So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick!
Jack flash sat on a candlestick
Cause fire is the devil’s only friend.

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.
No angel born in hell
Could break that Satan’s spell.
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died.

The flames climbed high into the night...

This is what thrills Satan and his disciples. He comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. Dumitru Duduman and David Wilkerson both prophesied of an hour coming when America’s cities would be in flames. Two years before his death in an automobile accident, David Wilkerson shared “An Urgent Message.” It included the following words:

I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to send out an urgent message to all on our mailing list, and to friends and to bishops we have met all over the world.


For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago.

There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written,

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v. 3).

God is judging the raging sins of America and the nations. He is destroying the secular foundations.

People of God, when Satan, through his disciples, states “THIS YEAR we guarantee you a thrilling fourth quarter,” you can be assured that he is NOT talking about a ball game, or an automobile. Satan mimics the ways of God. What he is doing here is similar to what occurred when Christ spoke to the Jewish leaders as He stood next to the great temple of Herod in Jerusalem.

John 2:19-21
Yahshua answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." The Jews therefore said, "It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?" But He was speaking of the temple of His body.

Yahshua spoke in parables so that seeing, they would not see, and hearing they would not hear. Satan also speaks in parables. He is “the Riddler.” He is mimicking the Son of God by making a declaration right in front of another large building that is a monumental structure created by man. The undiscerning will perceive only a reference to the building that is pictured, and the game to be held inside of it. Yet, those with insight will understand that something else is being prophesied.

Look at the emphasis of the date below the words in the ad. Note the 13 going up in flames. Pay attention to the words “This year,” and “fourth quarter.” The fourth quarter of the year runs from October 1 to December 31. Keep in mind the history of America in years and Congresses marked by the number 13. During the 13th Congress Washington, D.C. was burned with fire by the British. The 113th Congress was just seated. Many signs are pointing to the two year period of this Congress being equally calamitous for America as a nation.

See the post titled Thirteen.

The advertisement above ends with the words “Set your soul free.” How does one set their soul free? Is it not by dying? When a man breathes his last breath, he is said to “give up the ghost.” In other words, the soul is loosed from the bounds of this mortal body as a man or woman exhales their last breath.

This post has looked at a testimony provided by Satan and his disciples of that which is coming. If this were the only source available, then one could reasonably have great doubts about the accuracy of what is being foretold. Satan, after all, is a liar. Nor does he have all power. Yahweh can overrule the actions of devils and men. We must seek also the mind of Christ to know whether God has granted Satan the power and authority to do the things that are being signified.

In a recent post I spoke of a great heavenly sign set to appear. Comet Ison is predicted to appear in the fourth quarter of 2013. I will not repeat all that pertains to this sign, but will urge those who are interested to read the post titled Heavenly Harbinger.

I believe there are ample reasons to be watchful, and to seek the face of Yahweh now, that you might know how to prepare spiritually and physically for the events to come. Was not Joseph given insight into the meaning of Pharaoh’s dreams so that he could declare to all men to prepare for what was to come? Did not Yahweh use Joseph to save His people by a great deliverance and to preserve a remnant in the earth?

Genesis 45:7
And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance.

Take heed then! A Joseph company is proclaiming those things that are soon to come upon the earth. Yahweh is speaking forth words of warning in this hour. He is giving His people time to prepare themselves. He has declared to them that which is to come. A sword is to be stretched out over the earth. The cities will go up in flames. Brother will fight against brother. Civil unrest will lead to martial law, and the earth will be plunged into darkness.

Do not be dismayed. Yahweh would not be revealing these things if He did not intend to give great grace and aid to those who make Him their refuge and strong tower in troublous days. Seek Him with a whole heart. Surrender your life to be led of His Spirit in all things. Break off any worldly entanglements. Separate yourself from sin and walk holy before Him. Then you will have confidence in the day of trouble and will be found covered by His wings.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Addendum: A further study could be made of the cover of the magazine that the above advertisement appeared in. It is the February 4th edition of ESPN Magazine seen below.

Pictured is Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, the team that was defeated by the Ravens in the Super Bowl. I will not give a full exposition of this image, but merely cite some things for your own consideration of the subject.

Kaepernick is a professing Christian, but he is a symbol of carnal Christianity. His body is covered with tattoos, and he has manifested a rebellious and selfish attitude in his words and actions. The small print below the ESPN logo states “Colin Kaepernick is on the run for a title.” The wording of this statement is unusual, and it emphasizes the phrase “on the run.” The days approaching will truly be a time for Christians to run and hide themselves. The question is, where will they go and where will they hide? Will they make God their refuge and yield to be guided by the Spirit, or will they be driven by fear and directed by the impulses of their souls?

The number 7 seen on Kaepernick’s jersey signifies an end, especially when related to the concept of time. There are seven days in the week, then times starts anew. We are at the end of the age. America is coming to an end as a constitutional republic. A New World Order will arise out of the ashes of destruction. Barack Obama has promised “change” and “RUIN,” and he will deliver the same.

See the post:

The website states that the name Colin is a variant of the name Nicholas. It provides the following meaning for Nicholas.

From the Greek name (Nikolaos) which meant "victory of the people" from Greek (nike) "victory" and (laos) "people."

The book of Revelations mentions a group called “the Nicolaitans.” This name is derived from the same root words as Nicholas. It is very insightful to read about the meaning of this name.

The two names (Nicolaitans, Balaam) have very similar meanings in their respective languages: “Balaam is derived from two Hebrew words, [bala] (‘he swallows’) and [am] (‘people’). Interestingly, according to the derivative meanings of the names, the two groups troubling this church [Pergamos] were ‘swallowers of the people’ (i.e., the Balaamites) and ‘conquerors of the people’ (i.e., the Nicolaitans).” If the similar meaning of their names is significant and their mention in adjoining verses in the letter to Pergamos is intended to show a relationship, then it is thought that the licentious tendencies of the Nicolaitans might be understood in light of the doctrine of Balaam...

The key to the right understanding of [the name Nicolaitan] is given us at Rev. 2:14-15+; where those “that hold the doctrine of Balaam” (Rev. Rev. 2:14+) are evidently identical with those “that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans” (Rev. Rev. 2:15+). we are here set upon the right track. . . . it may be observed that his name [Balaam], according to the best etymology, signifies “Destroyer of the people” ( . . . from [b_ela] and [am] ; and [Nikolaos] (nikan ton laon ) is no more than a Grecizing of this name...

Satan has raised up men who will swallow up and destroy the people. Interestingly, you will find the Nike symbol upon all NFL uniforms. It can be seen on Kaepernick’s uniform in the image above. Nike was the Roman god of war, and in the picture above we see a Christian running.

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