Wednesday, January 16, 2013

America Without Breasts

Joseph Herrin (01-15-2013)

Perusing the headlines this morning I encountered an article that bore clear marks of being a spiritual parable of America and her government. It was related to the recent Miss America Pageant held this past week, culminating in the crowning of Miss America 2013 on January 12th. The article I came across focused on the contestant from the District of Columbia, Allyn Rose. What was reported was so unusual and exceptionally symbolic that my attention was arrested. I was led to pursue the matter further to discern what is being signified.

The article was reporting on this 24 year old beauty pageant contestant who has decided to undergo a double mastectomy as a preventative measure against breast cancer though she has no signs of the disease, and does not carry the genetic markers for it.

Allyn Rose - Miss District of Columbia

Miss America contestant to undergo preventive double mastectomy after Saturday competition
By Associated Press, Published: January 11

LAS VEGAS — Win or lose Saturday, Miss America contestant Allyn Rose will have conveyed a message about breast cancer prevention using her primary tool as a beauty queen: her body.

The 24-year-old Miss DC plans to undergo a double mastectomy after she struts in a bikini and flaunts her roller skating talent. She is removing both breasts as a preventive measure to reduce her chances of developing the disease that killed her mother, grandmother and great aunt.

“My mom would have given up every part of her body to be here for me, to watch me in the pageant,” she said between dress rehearsals and preliminary competitions at Planet Hollywood on the Las Vegas Strip Wednesday. “If there’s something that I can do to be proactive, it might hurt my body, it might hurt my physical beauty, but I’m going to be alive...”

Rose said it was her father who first broached the subject, during her freshman year of college, two years after the death of her mother

“I said, ‘Dad I’m not going to do that. I like the body I have.’ He got serious and said, ‘Well then you’re going to end up dead like your mom.’”

She has pondered that conversation for the past three years, during which she has worked as a model and won several pageants, including Miss Maryland USA, Miss Sinergy and the Miss District of Columbia competition, which put her in the running for Saturday’s bonanza.

With her angular face, pale blonde hair and watchful blue eyes, Rose is unusually reserved. She acknowledged that she comes off as more of an ice-queen than a girl next door

“You have to block out everything and I think sometimes that makes me appear a little cold,” she said. “But it’s because I had to be my own mentor, I had to be my own best friend...”

She plans to have reconstructive surgery, but said the procedure has complications and there is no guarantee that she will regain her pageant-approved bust...

This kind of pre-emptive surgery has divided the medical community as well. For someone in her early 20s to have the procedure is “very unusual,” said Todd Tuttle, chief of surgical oncology at the University of Minnesota.

Sandra Swain, medical director of Washington Cancer Institute in Washington, DC, fears that women who have lost family members to breast cancer could take Rose’s example too literally.

“We’re seeing a rise in prophylactic mastectomies and a lot of it is not for a medical reason; it is because of fear and anxiety,” she said.

Rose does not carry the “breast cancer genes” BRCA1 and BRCA2, but she did inherit a rare genetic mutation which might predispose her to the disease...

Rose initially said that if she won the crown, she would postpone her surgery until after her year as a title-holder. But while shopping for earrings to match her black velvet pageant gown Wednesday, she said she was now considering having the surgery during her reign as a way of inscribing her platform of breast cancer prevention on her body.

“I’ve been thinking how powerful that might be to have a Miss America say, ‘I might be Miss America but I’m still going to have surgery. I’m going to take control of my own life, my own health care,’” she said. “So I guess it’s up to what happens on Saturday night.”

Miss DC, Allyn Rose, did not win the pageant. She placed 24th in the competition. She will still reign as Miss District of Columbia until the next DC pageant in June. As the representative from the nation’s capital, the center for American government, there is much symbolized in the life of this young woman. Miss DC uniquely stands as a symbol of American government. To understand what is spiritually symbolized by the removal of the breasts we must look to the Scriptures.

Isaiah 66:10-13
Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; Be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her, that you may nurse and be satisfied withher comforting breasts, that you may suck and be delighted with her bountiful bosom." For thus says Yahweh, "Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall be nursed, you shall be carried on the hip and fondled on the knees. As one whom his mothercomforts, so I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem."

In this passage from Isaiah we see that the breasts are a fountain of life and are symbolic of bounty, peace, and comfort. In contrast, the removal of the breasts is emblematic of poverty, unrest, and discomfort. When a female representative of Washington, D.C. declares to the world that she is going to have her breasts removed, a spiritual message is being pronounced. Washington will no longer be a source of life, nor a comfort to her people. Death will flow from the halls of power. Comfort and peace will be “cut off” from the people.

Miss District of Columbia - Allyn Rose

It is significant that in the article cited, Allyn Rose admits to being thought of as “cold.”

She acknowledged that she comes off as more of an ice-queen than a girl next door.“You have to block out everything and I think sometimes that makes me appear a little cold,” she said.

A woman without breasts presents an image of coldness. The breasts elicit associations to that which is comforting, that which is warm and feminine. They exude a softness that is lacking in a male. Further adding to this absence of nurturing femininity is the first name of the woman who is representing the District of Columbia.

Allyn - Masculine

Note that the gender of this name is masculine. No longer will Washington D.C. exude any of those characteristics associated with femininity and motherhood. She has become cold, and hard. No longer will there be comfort in the embrace of America’s leaders. No longer will life flow from the halls of Congress, or from within the walls of the White House. An icy hard, masculine persona, devoid of the gentler and kinder attributes associated with womanhood, will come forth.

It was reported in the Washington Post article that Allyn Rose won the 1st Miss Sinergy pageant which was held in Washington, D.C.. This pageant began in 2009 and is sponsored by The Sinergy Group. The corporate name is a corruption of the word “synergy” which means “the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements.” We can identify what the parts being combined are as we examine the name of the company. The name Sinergy is a merging of the words “Sin” and “Energy.” The website of the company defines their services in the following way.

Miss Sinergy is a woman empowerment program, founded in 2009 by the Sinergy group, an umbrella corporation that provides services for event coordination, nightlife promotion, and audio visual services.

This D.C. based company promotes “nightlife.” It organizes an array of events that are typically held at night and which focus upon drinking, wild music, and sex. As the first ever winner of the Miss Sinergy pageant, and the current representative of the Miss District of Columbia pageant, Allyn Rose symbolizes the darkness and sensuality of the nation. Even as the government promotes sexual promiscuity through the education system and the funding of Planned Parenthood, and is an advocate of sexual deviancy as it pushes a homosexual agenda across the nation, Allyn Rose has been a representative of this darkness promoting sin-energy group, and a representative of Washington, D.C., linking the two together.

Yahweh has testified that governments and nations that give themselves to a pursuit of wickedness will fall under His judgment. In Yahweh’s words to the prophet Ezekiel judgment and the “tearing of the breasts” are linked together.

Ezekiel 23:30-35
“These things will be done to you because you have played the harlot with the nations, because you have defiled yourself with their idols. You have walked in the way of your sister; therefore I will give her cup into your hand. Thus says Yahweh God, 'You will drink your sister's cup, which is deep and wide. You will be laughed at and held in derision; It contains much. You will be filled with drunkenness and sorrow, the cup of horror and desolation, the cup of your sister Samaria. And you will drink it and drain it. Then you will gnaw its fragments and tear your breasts; for I have spoken,' declares Yahweh God. Therefore, thus says Yahweh God, 'Because you have forgotten Me and cast Me behind your back, bear now the punishment of your lewdness and your harlotries.'”

These words describe a similar judgment as that which is to befall America. A cup of drunkenness and sorrow, a cup of horror and desolation, is being presented to America. This was the very thing that A.A. Allen prophesied as he related a vision that God gave to him on July 4, 1954. Following is an excerpt:

As I looked, suddenly from the sky I saw a giant hand reach down. That gigantic hand was reaching out toward the Statue of Liberty. In a moment her gleaming torch was torn from her hand, and in it instead was placed a cup; and I saw protruding from that great cup a giant sword, shining as if a great light had been turned upon its glistening edge. Never before had I seen such a sharp, glistening, dangerous sword. It seemed to threaten all the world. As the great cup was placed in the hand of the Statue of Liberty, I heard these words, "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, drink ye and be drunken and spue and fall and rise no more because of the sword which I will send." As I heard these words, I recognized them as a quotation from Jeremiah 25:27.

I was amazed to hear the Statue of Liberty speak out in reply, "I WILL NOT DRINK!"

Then as the voice of the thunder, I heard again the voice of the Lord saying, "Ye shall certainly drink." (Jeremiah 25:28) Then suddenly the giant hand forced the cup to the lips of the Statue of Liberty, and she became powerless to defend herself. The mighty hand of God forced her to drink every drop from the cup. As she drank the bitter dregs, these were the words that I heard: "Should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished, for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts." (Jeremiah 27:29)

When the cup was withdrawn from the lips of the Statute of Liberty, I noticed the sword was missing from the cup, which could mean but one thing. THE CONTENTS OF THE CUP HAD BEEN COMPLETELY CONSUMED! I knew that the sword merely typified war, death, and destruction, which is no doubt on the way.

Then as one drunken on too much wine, I saw the Statue of Liberty become unsteady on her feet and begin to stagger and to lose her balance. I saw her splashing in the gulf, trying to regain her balance. I saw her stagger again and again and fall to her knees. As I saw her desperate attempts to regain her balance and rise to her feet again, my heart was moved as never before with compassion for her struggles; but as she staggered there in the gulf, once again I heard these words: "Drink ye and be drunken and spue and fall and rise no more because of the sword which I will send among you." (Jeremiah 25:37)
[End Excerpt]

People of God, it is an extraordinary event for a young woman in the blush of youth to announce to the world that she is going to remove her breasts. That this woman is wearing the pageant crown for the District of Columbia, and this is occurring at a time when Barack Obama is about to be inaugurated for a second term, reveals many things. America will no longer be known as a nation of prosperity and comfort. Death will stalk the land. An icy cold, rigid, authoritarian government will arise while the liberty and freedoms of the people will be no more.

Allyn Rose, by choosing to have her breasts cut away with a surgeon’s knife, will never nurse children. She will present an image of barrenness which is befitting America in the hour of her fall. A time of weeping lies ahead; a time of sorrow in which there will be no comfort. Yahshua foresaw a similar time approaching for Jerusalem, and He declared the following to her daughters.

Luke 23:28-31
But Yahshua turning to them said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, stop weeping for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold, the days are coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, andthe breasts that never nursed.' Then they will begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us,' and to the hills, 'Cover us.' For if they do these things in the green tree, what will happen in the dry?"

Many things are being testified all around us about the hour which is at hand. It is a time to be sober, to be vigilant. Press into the presence of the Father. Put away a pursuit of the world and the things in it. Surrender your life to be fully led by the Spirit of Christ. “Pursue humility. Pursue righteousness that perhaps you may be hidden in the day of the Lord’s wrath.”

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Joseph Herrin

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