Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dutchman launches scale replica of Noah´s Ark

The full scale replica of Noah's Ark in Dordrecht, Netherlands.

The inclement weather could not dampen to good mood of the ark's creator, Johan Huibers, who said the opening realised his 20-year dream to educate people about history and faith.

In the Biblical story, God orders Noah to build a boat big enough to save two of every animal, as well as his family, while Earth is covered in an enormous flood.

Mr Huibers interpreted the description given in Genesis to build his ark.

The ark comes in at a whopping 130 metres (427 feet) long, 29 metres (95 feet) across and 23 metres (75 feet) high.

It features life-sized displays of animals - including posed sculptures of tigers, giraffe, an elephant and bison.

There are also some live animals aboard, including parakeets, pheasants, peacocks and rabbits.

The ship, which has permission to receive up to 3,000 visitors a day, also has two cinemas for special events, plus a restaurant.

The Telegraph

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