Monday, December 3, 2012

Another volcano on the "Ring of Fire" begins spewing lava

On the Big Island of Hawaii, Kilauea Volcano, which has been continuously erupting since 1983, started spewing lava from the Pu'u O'o vent on Saturday, then flowing into the ocean 7 miles away. During the day plumes of volcanic gas can be seen rising above the crater a reminder that just 100 feet below there is molten lava churning in a lava lake. While visitors will no doubt find this a beautiful explosive show it can also hold potential risks. Everyone is urged to stay a safe distance away and not cross the barriers that have been placed around the lava flow.

At the site where the lava enters the ocean, it is best not to get too close, as the cooled and hardened lava creates land that is too new and unstable to be trod upon, it can collapse without warning hurling chunks and hot water into the air and travel up to 100 feet away.

The Hawaii Volcano National Park is home to Kilauea Volcano which got about 1.3 million visitors last year, with this new eruption it is hard to estimate how many people will be visiting this latest occurrence of the 'lava flow'. In the interest of 'safety' visitors are being advised by the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency to use a lot of care, stay beyond the barriers, and check for the approved viewing hours, before rushing to the area.


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