Monday, November 5, 2012

Rockets hit Libyan Supreme Security Committee building

At least five people have been injured after several rocket-propelled grenades targeted the Libyan intelligence Headquarter in the oil-rich country’s capital, Tripoli.

The violence on Sunday was triggered by an exchange of fire between rival militant groups near the building of the Supreme Security Committee.

At least three police officers were also wounded as a result of a blast that hit a police station in the northern city of Benghazi.
The city has been hit by a series of bombings and attacks targeting international convoys and government buildings this year.

The US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi came under attack on September 11, after protesters gathered outside the building to voice opposition to a blasphemous anti-Islam film made in the United States that disrespects Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in the incident.

Press TV

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