Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Number of jobless in Spain jumps to 28%

The number of people looking for work in Spain rose by 2.7% in October, marking the third month in a row that unemployment levels have risen.

A total of 4.8m people are now out of work in Spain, according to the Labour Ministry, which compiles the monthly figures.

Spain's quarterly unemployment rate, considered a more reliable gauge of employment levels, was 25% at the end of September.

The country remains in recession.

Spain, the fourth-biggest of the 17 nations that use the euro, has the highest unemployment rate in Europe.

It is struggling to reduce its high public debt levels and has imposed tough cost-cutting measures that have hampered economic growth.

On an annualised basis, the number of job seekers climbed by 10.84%, according to the Labour ministry data.

The overall jobless rate in the eurozone is 11.6%.


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