Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Britain should vote on leaving EU, Italian prime minister Mario Monti says

Mario Monti said he had told Mr Cameron in person that he must resolve “the fundamental question" over Britain's future: “Do you want to remain in the European Union or not?”

He also suggested that some European politicians, especially in France, would like Britain to leave the union.

Mr Monti is the second European leader in recent weeks to suggest publicly that Britain’s EU membership is now in doubt.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, told MEPs earlier this month that Britain could be left “alone in the world” if it leaves the EU.

The remarks from EU leaders will add to the pressure on Mr Cameron to give a clear statement about his policy on Britain’s EU membership.

A growing number of Conservatives, including Cabinet ministers, have said Britain should be willing to consider withdrawal. The Prime Minister has said he backs membership for now, but has not ruled out leaving.

Speaking on a late-night Italian chat show earlier this week, Mr Monti said that uncertainty about Britain's position is a concern.

“There is a problem with Great Britain,” Mr Monti said. “I am among those people who say that we need to keep Britain within the European Union.

“It is in the interests of Britain to remain in the EU and it is in the interests of the EU that Britain remains.

He added: “In Europe there are some who would feel that their heart would be lighter if Great Britain left the union. I believe some of the French share this view. I am convinced that we must find a compromise with the British.”

Mr Cameron visited Rome earlier this month. Mr Monti said he had told the Prime Minister to clarify Britain’s European position.

“Above all, the British – I spoke with David Cameron about this last week – must ask their electorate, not whether they agree or disagree on the latest change that other European countries want to adopt...but pose a fundamental question: do you want to remain in the European Union or not?”

Mr Monti, sometimes seen as sympathetic to Britain in EU negotiations said there were three important areas in which Britain’s contribution to the EU was important – the economy, foreign relations and, “one day”, defence policy.

“But the English manage to be quite exasperating when they ask, as a condition for remaining aboard this great European ship, particular exceptions, particular dispensations, that could amount to making holes in the ship and making it sail less well, if not sink altogether."

The Telegraph

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