Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Politicized, Militarized Homeland Security Department Unveils New Panzer Division

To the list of recent unsettling developments at DHS and other federal agencies -such as FEMA camp expansions, massive DHS ammo buys, a creepy newbiometric surveillance system just being rolled-out by the FBI, and drones buzzing our backyards with cameras- we can now add the appearance across the country of not just heavily-armored military grade Humvees, but 'GLS' armored personnel carriers (APC's) such as in the picture above-
2500 of them to be exact.

According to reports the Department of Homeland Security is expecting significant push-back in the very near future, which explains why they already have thousands of heavily armored vehicles in DHS 'Police/Rescue' livery, resplendent in either a dashing Gulf War tan or menacing stealth-anthracite:

" What could they need equipment like this for here in the US?They are hitting the road with it. Caravans of National Guard equipment but with new never before seen equipment in the convoys. Take a close look at what is painted on the side of the Black Humvees. The Humvees are fully armored the same standard used by our military.

The use of the word '‘Rescue'’ is an obvious psy-op... …makes it sound nice and benign, kind of like a life-saving paramedic ambulance and not a domination and death machine. The Posse Comitatus Act is gone"

They've got a point- these things don't look like they're designed to be rescuing anybody, except maybe a pinned-down DHS agent in an upcoming civil war:

Incompetano's DHS is reportedly gearing up for 'serious business' and has engaged in training the National Guard, FEMA and Police with the behomoths. The GLS is a deadly serious piece of equipment and they have 'never been used inside the US' until now....this sucker ought to put an end to any anti-Progressive TEA Party nonsense (in the wake of cancelled elections)

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