Monday, August 27, 2012

Rockets hit southern Israel towns

Palestinian terrorists operating out of the Gaza Strip fired three missiles at the southern Israel town of Sderot on Sunday morning.

Two of the rockets slammed into local factories, injuries two Israelis and causing extensive damage. One of the factories had been hit in previous attacks from Gaza. The third missile landed in the same area, but caused no damage or injuries.

Security officials commented to Israeli media that they were surprised by the accuracy of Sunday's attacks. The rockets fired from Gaza are usually crude or lacking in sophisticated guidance systems, and must be aimed manually. Either Gaza-based terrorists are getting better at manually aiming their rockets, or have come into possession of better guidance systems. Either way, it doesn't bode well for the residents of southern Israel.

Sunday's attacks ended weeks of quiet in the region, and suggested that the relatively calm summer period was coming to an end. Gaza-based forces regularly increase their attacks on southern Israel at the start of the school year, when Israeli are more typically congregated in public places.

Israel News

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