Monday, August 13, 2012

Hezbollah says it can hit ‘any Israeli city’

Hezbollah has rockets that can hit any Israeli city, a leading official of the organization said on Monday afternoon.

In the morning Walla News reported a battery of the mobile Iron Dome anti-missile defense system was installed near Safed last week as part of an ongoing series of tests.

Hezbollah will continue to act toward the liberation of Jerusalem, Sheikh Nabil Kaouk said at a rally in Lebanon in honor of “world Jerusalem day.” Its weapons can reach any city in Israel and will be used to help free Palestine, the Hezbollah leader said.

Kaouk said his organization’s arsenal wouldn’t be used against other Lebanese sects, but only against Israel — for the sake of Jerusalem.

According to an IDF official quoted by Walla News, the relocation of the Iron Dome and its tests are not related to the current security situation but are part of a process to determine potential locations for the Iron Dome.

The IDF has previously conducted tests around the country in order to determine suitable placement of the system should the need arise.

An Iron Dome battery was stationed outside Eilat last month, along Israel’s southern border.

The Iron Dome is a mobile air defense system, capable of intercepting short-range rockets and artillery shells. It successfully destroyed most of the Kassam rockets fired at Israeli communities from the Gaza Strip during a flare-up earlier this year.

The Times of Israel

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