Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gantz: IDF has devastating power

IDF chief of staff warns Iran following recent threats which he says show 'underestimation of our capabilities'

IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz on Wednesday conveyed a warning to Iran saying that "whoever will try to harm us will face our devastating might."

Addressing recent statements by Iranian leaders in the backdrop of reports of a possible Israeli strike in Iran, Gantz said, "We are hearing explicit threats over Israel's security and wellbeing of its people – threats that demonstrate an underestimation of our capabilities."

He further added, "Anyone who thinks they can get rid of Israel and hurt our nation will discover the IDF's devastating force. We stand steadfast along our borders in the face of threats. The IDF has the world's best soldiers and commanders."

On Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi referred to Israel as a "cancerous tumor" and claimed it was in no position to engage in a war with Iran.

Last week, Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued threats of their own and predicted that Israel will eventually "disappear off the map."

On Wednesday, The Telegraph quoted Western intelligence sources as saying that Khamenei instructed the Revolutionary Guard Corps' elite unit al-Quds Force to increase terror attacks against the West and its allies in reprisal for their support of Syrian opposition groups.


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