Thursday, July 5, 2012

UK's borders 'will be closed' to refugees from Greece and other failing countries if eurozone collapses

David Cameron will close Britain's borders to EU citizens if the Euro collapses.

The Prime Minister said he is prepared to ban refugees from Greece and other failing economies from flooding the UK.

Mr Cameron has been told that he can make use of extraordinary legal powers to close the doors to European migrants who immigration officers cannot usually prevent coming to Britain.

The PM went further than any other minister before in revealing details of the government's contingency plans for the collapse of the single currency when he appeared at the Commons liaison committee.

He told the panel of senior MPs he would do "whatever it takes" to protect the UK and avoid a huge influx of migrants at a time of economic collapse and banking crisis.

Mr Cameron said: 'The legal position is that if there are extraordinary stresses and strains it is possible to take action to restrict migratory flows. But obviously we hope that does not happen.'

Pressed on whether he was ready to tighten border restrictions for troubled states such as Greece, he added: 'I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to keep our country safe, to keep our banking system strong, to keep our economy robust.

'At the end of the day as prime minister that is your personal and moral duty.

'I hope it wouldn't come to that but as I understand it the legal powers are available if there are particular stresses and strains.

'You have to plan, you have to have contingencies, you have to be ready for anything with so much uncertainty in our world.'

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