Friday, July 6, 2012

Biometrics....Customize your computer or toilet

You might want to take a seat before reading through a recent patent application made by Sony it was awarded this week. The application examines a computer mouse with vein recognition software, and is designed to make computers more customizable and accessible for users, according to Engadget.

When you hold the mouse in the patent, the vein readers in the device will instantly recognize you based on a customized user database. With it you can sign into your computer with your biometric signature instead of with a username and password, much like fingerprint readers do today.

According to the patent, the information gathered can also be used to switch to your preferred settings for your computer, including the size of text for readability or the brightness settings for your monitor.

But that's not all -- the patent application also includes diagrams exploring other uses of the technology, including a toilet.

In one diagram, the vein reader is attached to the doorknob of the bathroom. When you open the door, the reader detects your preferences for the toilet, including moving the seat up or down depending on gender, and the water pressure for a bidet (the application uses the example of lower water pressure for younger users).

While the jump from the desktop computer to the lavatory may seem like a non sequitur, it got us at the CBC Community Team wondering about other applications for the vein reader or other personal authentication methods.

Perhaps you could set the living room to your favourite channel on the television as well as the perfect temperature with the swipe of your index finger. Or how about adjusting the rear-view window and radio station in your car in less time than it takes to put on your seat belt?

Your Community

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