Wednesday, June 20, 2012

US not aligned with Russia, China on Syria

President Barack Obama says China and Russia are "not aligned" with the U.S. and other nations on Syria but says both countries' leaders recognize the dangers of a civil war.

Obama met with Russian President Vladimir Putin (POO'-tihn) and Chinese President Hu Jintao (hoo jihn-tow) on the sidelines of an economic summit. Syria was a top subject.

China and Russia have close ties to Syria and have vetoed two U.N. resolutions that mentioned the threat of sanctions against President Bashar Assad's (bah-SHAR' AH'-sahd) regime. China and Russia, however, did support an observer mission in Syria and a plan by special envoy Kofi Annan (KOH'-fee AN'-nan) to end the violence.

Obama said Russia and China believe "everyone would be better served" if Syria had a mechanism for ceasing the violence."


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