Friday, June 8, 2012

UFO Over Israel Could be Russian ICBM

A mysterious flying object that was witnessed crossing the air over the Middle East territories, including Syria, Iran and Israel could be Russia’s inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) test, reported.

Videos uploaded on the internet show an identified conic-shaped object flying in the high atmosphere leaving a trail of bright light and smoke and then coming into a whirl motion before finally disappearing.

“Mysterious light explained. Russia announces it carried out successful inter-continental ballistic missile test,” Huffington Post quoted a correspondent from Jerusalem Post Yakkov Lappin as saying.

One of the Israeli television channels said citing a source in the country’s high-command military staff that the incident could be rarely observed natural phenomena.

Other media outlets compare the incident with the swirling light seen over Norway in 2009, which eventually turned out to be a test of a Russian ballistic missile.

RIA Novosti

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