Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pastor T.D. Hale shares "An Urgent WARNING DREAM from the Lord to America" he was given on Dec. 28, 2011

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  1. When the Ohio Pastor was telling this dream to Nunez Report he stated that "you're the first one I shared this with" in regards to the run down buildings 'modernized' that this family was taken too. Yet, later in the second dream (or maybe it was in the first dream again) he sees the USA leader on the Truman balcony. Then the pastor stated that he had shared this with a friend of his who calls him and tells him "you not gonna believe this - it is called the Truman balcomy." I believe he had these dreams, but I don't like the question & answer type of interviewing. Just simply tell the dreams. The interviewer goes from the 1st dream to the 2nd dream and back to the 1st dream again which makes this confusing.

  2. I had a dream 2 years ago in which Obama was to make 2 separate speeches in a place that looked like the UN. He made the first speech and all seemed well but when it came time for him to make the second speech he was completely ravished almost unable to recognize but I knew it was him. A couple of men had to hold him up as he could no longer stand and they used TV cameras to show him make his speech on the big screens there. At the very moment he finished his speech he died and I could see his wife grab their two daughters and run out of the building as fast as I have ever seen three people run together.This is a short version of the dream and I have never truly understood it all I just got that he would have two terms and the United States as we know it would be ravished. I see this dream 2 years after having it like if I am looking around at the outdoors it is so clear to me. I think time is running out and people are unaware of just how critical each minute we have and what we do with it is.
