Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oliver North: Obama Will Risk Israel's Security to Win Re-election

Lt. Col. Oliver North says the administration will do everything it can to avoid an Israeli attack on a potentially nuclear Iran in order to keep President Barack Obama “out of trouble until November.” North also told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Monday the administration has a “naïve utopian hope” that Israel and the Palestinians can reach a peace accord, thereby ending the worldwide Islamist extremist threat.

“Sean, what is happening here is a full court press that is political and ideological because there is this naive utopian hope within the Obama administration that if they can simply bring about some kind of Palestinian-Israeli peace accord, all the problems of the Jihad being waged against us will go away — it won’t work,” North said.“That is the political part, Sean, because everything they are doing is designed to keep Barack Obama out of trouble until November — make sure that there’s no Israeli attack [on Iran] that can be launched until after November.

“What, of course, the Obama administration doesn’t understand is it doesn’t make any difference if it's Benjamin Netanyahu or Ehud Barack,” he said. “No Israeli prime minister can ever forget the words ‘Never Again.’ They must take whatever steps necessary to protect their country.”

North said that all American allies in danger of insurgencies or extremists should “be very afraid because this administration is going to do everything in the power to keep Barack Obama in office, after November and make sure — particularly Israel — cannot launch an attack on the Iranians.”

“That is all the information that’s come out in the last few weeks . . . all of it is being done to prevent Israel from launching an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites,” North said. “If the only goal is to have Barack Obama survive this presidential election, it makes political sense and the ideology of this blissful hope that some kind of Palestinian-Israeli peace accord is going to solve all of our problems — again, extraordinarily naive and utopian.”

Read more on Oliver North: Obama Will Risk Israel's Security to Win Re-election

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