Tuesday, April 17, 2012

N.Korean Missile Platform 'Came from China'

The mobile platform that transported what looked like an intercontinental ballistic missile in Sunday's military parade in Pyongyang was probably imported from China. A government source here said it looks very similar to platforms from a Chinese maker of special vehicles.

The mobile platform was about 20 m long and had 16 wheels. According to sources, a Chinese company that manufactures specialized mobile launchers for ICBMs and multiple launch rocket systems for the People's Liberation Army produced and exported eight 16-wheelers known as the WS-51200 between 2010 and 2011.

That would mean Beijing may be in violation of a UN Security Council resolution banning shipments of weapons to the North. UN Security Council Resolution 1874 prohibits North Korea from launching long-range projectiles using ICBM technology and bans other countries from dealing in such weapons and related technology with the North.

The Chosunlbo

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