Thursday, April 12, 2012

Iceland Volcano Katla Sparks fears

The last major eruption at the volcano was in 1918, and caused such a large glacier meltdown that icebergs were swept into the ocean. Picture: Thinkstock

More than 500 tremors detected at volcano Katla
An eruption could cause catastrophic flooding
Eruption could also disrupt air travel

A HUGE Icelandic volcano long overdue for an eruption is showing signs of activity that could disrupt air traffic, experts reported.

There have been more than 500 tremors at Katla in the south of the country in just the last month.

An increase in activity at the site since July has also been causing concern among volcano experts.

The last major eruption at the volcano was in 1918, and caused such a large glacier meltdown that icebergs were swept into the ocean by resulting floods.

Significant activity at Katla -- which has a huge 6.2 mile (10 km) crater -- usually occurs every 40 to 80 years.It is feared when it does eventually erupt, it could be the most powerful volcano activity the country has seen in almost a century.

Catastrophic flooding could result as the frozen surface of the volcano melts, sending vast amounts of water into the Atlantic Ocean.

Volcano expert Andy Hooper from Delft University said that while there had been increased activity at the site, it was difficult to predict if and when Katla would erupt.

However, he said that the implications for Iceland if an eruption did occur would be "major."

"Because of the glacier on top, massive amounts of ice would melt, washing away the roads.

"There could also be a big ash fallout on people living in the area and that will affect the farms.

"There could be big implications for people there.

"In terms of the rest of the world, it really depends on the weather at the time of the eruption.

If Katla erupts, it will erupt higher (than recent volcanoes) and that means the ash will stay around longer -- that could impact on air traffic."

A statement on Iceland's Met Office website warned there was no imminent threat but that "given the heightened levels of seismic activity, the situation might change abruptly."

In 2010, the eruptions at Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull volcano disrupted air traffic for weeks, affecting hundreds of thousands of travelers.

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