Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Strange sounds stump Clintonville

CLINTONVILLE - Residents in a Waupaca County community say they are puzzled by some explosion-like sounds.

There are still really no answers in Clintonville about whom or what caused the loud booms people say they heard Sunday night and into the morning.

The police department started getting calls shortly before 2 a.m. from people saying their homes were rattling and shaking. The calls focused on the northeast area of the city.

Both Clintonville city leaders and residents say they are confused.

"It was kind of like constant boom, boom, boom!” said resident Joseph Clauson. "And you could feel like the ground shaking beneath you and whatnot.”

"It almost felt like a heavy duty thunderstorm, but it was shaking though,” said resident Al Miller.

"And we both just started searching the house,” said resident Lindsay Pockat.

Police, fire and utility crews first looked for obvious causes, like elevated gas levels in manholes and sewers. But city officials say nothing was out of the ordinary. Now they are looking at other possibilities.

"We've talked to meteorologists, geologists. We've talked to our county and the counties around, seeing if people have explosive permits,” said Clintonville City Administrator Lisa Kuss.

The city did confirm there are no mining or explosive companies working in the area.

While the calls for the noises started late Sunday night and early Monday morning, Art Bassette says he's heard the same noises over the last couple months.

"But it would be just one loud clap and I just thought somebody's playing. Some kids had some firecrackers and didn't know what to do with themselves. I don't know. I don't think anybody else knows, do they?” said Bassette.

City officials say they believe the public is safe.

Kuss says she talked with the United States military. Military officials say they have nothing going on in the area which would cause the booming sounds.

Kuss says the sounds and shaking has decreased since Monday morning.


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