Tuesday, March 6, 2012

North Korea threatens to turn Seoul into a 'sea of flames'

North Korea threatened "sacred war" against the South, just days after it agreed with the US to suspend major parts of its nuclear programme and allow back international nuclear inspectors.

North Korean television KRT showed what appeared to be artillery pointing towards South Korea's Paekryong Island, as well as live-firing exercises.

Deputy commander Li Gum-chol threatened: "We will turn Seoul into a sea of flames by our strong and cruel artillery firepower, which cannot be compared to our artillery shelling on Yeonpyeong Island. We are training hard, concentrating on revenge to shock [South Korea president] Lee Myung-bak's traitorous group and the military warmongers in South Korea."

North Korean artillery shelled South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island in November 2010, killing four people including two civilians.

On Sunday, tens of thousands of slogan-chanting North Koreans rallied in Pyongyang vowing to "wipe out" South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's "traitors" whom they accused of defaming their new leader, Kim Jong-un, and of staging inflammatory war games with the United States.

The Telegraph

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